Quote: Seating into the lands is a big no no for me,
Your statement is neither based on facts nor knowledge. Thousands of target shooters including my self use this accuracy practice. In fact it produces less pressure variation than any other method. All these shooters also like their facial features and they are not being changed by loading bullets into the lands.
Also most of them are experienced hand loaders.
Quote"Just too unpredictable as far as pressure spikes. That statement I do not understand. What is the basis of the unpredictability and spikes? It surely has nothing to do with loading bullets into the lands, because the extra pressure created is totally predictable. Of course hand loads are not predictable when put together by people that do not know what they are doing.
The SST bullet is very destructive and ruins much of the game meat by breaking up.
If meat loss is no problem by all means use it, it kills well. Yes I tried them in my 7mmSSAI. Besides the ones I had were unbalanced and not very accurate.
First off, my statements ARE ABSOLUTELY based in FACTS and KNOLEDGE!! How the heck do you know what I know?

You have one of them crystal balls that lets you know what I know and see what i see?
I do not know how many shooters use bullets seated into the rifling.
Now you talk of less pressure

I would COMPLETELY AGREE with that statement. But that's NOT what I said. I said and you even made mention of it, in your first post. If your load is from a published Manuel and you seat the bullet into the rifling the pressures WILL BE HIGHER, so REDUCE the loading!!! Why the double talk? We are saying the same thing, yet you attack me on it, why. Have I offended you in some way? There isn't a reloading manual out there, that I know of, that recommends loading their loads with the bullets seated to touch the rifling as a general practice! All loads listed are for bullets OFF THE RIFLING, seated to that individule cartridge's max OAL. Printed in most relaoding manuels established by sammi specs.
So you are able to predict what a bullet will do with an arbitrary load with the bullet seated into the rifling...unless you have pressure testing equiptment...I THINK NOT. I have NO doubt you know what YOUR loads will do in your rifle, but that's not where this all started now is it? I am not arguing the accuracy potential of this practice. My most accurate loads are the ones where the bullet is close to the rifling. MY practice is NOT to let the bullet touch the rifling. You do what you want, this seating a bullet into the rifling is a NO NO FOR ME!!! I am one of those strange peoiple that actually stops at stop signs and holds doors for ladys and removes his hat indoors.. guess I am just strage that way....

Why the hostility in your posts? Why the statements about non experienced reloaders? They seem directed at me, are you saying I do not have experience? If so that crystal ball of yours seems to be working overtime this evening, maybe you should look a bit closer. You will see I have been at this for some time and I am not some wet behind the ears kid.
I for one have little doubt as to your experience hand loading. I am sure you have been at it for years and are good at it. I read your posts and like some of the way you see/respond to posts. Your web site is handy and well writen, I visit it often. My problem with this whole topic is MANY people on here haven't a clue about these non standard loading practices like this. They are VERY NEW at it and lack your hands on experience.
I would hate to hear about some poor bloke who blew his gun up, or hurt himself or someone else because he took your postings as gospel. I am not upset, just a bit defensive in my responses as I felt yours where a bit belittling towards me...If I read into this wrongly, my apologies.
Have a good night,