First of all, kudos to H&R/Marlin for getting these barrels back to me in record time considering both are new production offerings, they received my frame on March 12, got them today, that's 50 days until they shipped them, would have been a few days sooner, but they had to do some test firing of factory ammo which took a few days extra. They shot 240gr Rem, 265gr Hornady Light Mags and Leverevolution ammo in the .444 at 100yds, all three performed consistently with 1½-1¾" groups, not bad for out of the box performance under factory conditions, I'm sure with fine tuned handloads after break-in, it will be a sub MOA shooter.
Bores are very smooth, so smooth that I think I'll forgo the usual flitz treatment!!

I cleaned both barrels, got none of the usual fuzz residue from patches in the bore. Slugged the 45 Colt barrel at the muzzle, using a digital caliper I got .4525" in the grooves and .4465" at the lands, bore is a little on the large side, but not too bad I don't think, don't know what the SAAMI spec is. Slug measured .452" and .446" at the throat end, so the muzzle is .0005" more open than the throat end, to be expected I suppose considering the barrels are bored then shaped, not custom barrel quality, but hopefully very serviceable.

.444 barrel had a similar difference, .4305" in the groove and .425" lands at the muzzle, .430" groove and .4245" lands near the throat, again, .0005" larger at the muzzle.
Lock up on both barrels is perfect, very solid, tight on .001" blade, no complaint there at all.
Throat on the .444 is good, not too long at all, COL to the lands is 2.606" with the 265gr Hornady FP, recommended COL is 2.55", so not bad at all compared to most Handi throats, and much better than the short throat of the 45-70. I had some 265gr Hornadys all loaded up, seated to the lower cannelure, they're too long to chamber that way, had to seat the bullet to the upper cannelure to chamber them.
Don't have any .45 Colt bullets yet, will have to pick up some.
Range report to follow in the next week or two, turkey season is still open, ya know!!
