I got out the morning of the 4th for a QUICK shoot. Only had about 1 hour to shoot.

Had bore sighted and man that saves some time. I LOVE the universal bore sighter I got from WalMart. I waited until it was late in the night and shined it across about 80 yards at the neighbor's house. Dialed the scope right on the dot.
Set up the target and shot it with the laser rangefinder....117 yards. The first shot was about 5" high and maybe 1" to the left. Not bad. After 2 shots, I was close enough to the bull. Oh, was shooting Winchester White Box ammo.
Then set up to shoot the square to see how the scope would do. Being in such a hurry, I really didn't take a lot of time doing this.

The pink dots form a 3" square. I adjusted 12 clicks at a time which should be 3" at 100 yards. I was at 117 yards.
After I shot the square, I made a quick adjustment and then shot one five shot group using the UltraMax ammo. Measured at 1 1/8".

Shot a couple water bottles with the Winchester hollow point at about 130 yards. Devestating!!!!! I could hear the THUD through the ear muffs.
The APV is a keeper.