Sorry for not following up... Don't mean to cast ANY QUESTION on Ranger Rick!! He is a GREAT GUY with an excellent product!!
Turns out there was a problem was in my payment...seems his Email address somehow got a period at the end. That shouldn't be there and because of it, he didn't get my PMT from PAYPAL... No ones fault just an honest mistake.
Rich expressed my order to me at his cost. (He didn't need to do that. Nor did I ask him to) I got them in a couple days. NICE BULLETS!!!! I loaded up a box and a half with a couple different powders and charges for testing. Seems 100 ain't NEARLY enough!!!

SO, I ordered an additional 100 as well as some very nice 300 GR 45's!! I received that order with in a week!!!
GREAT guy with a GREAT product offering GREAT SERVICE!!! Highly recomended.