Made it to the range today, mostly completed the loads I didn't get done last time, it was a good day, I didn't throw too many targets away, that's a good sign!!!

Shot the 243 Superlight, 7x57, 30-30, 444, 45 Colt Carbine, 500S&W and CVA Optima Elite 300 Win Mag.
Got a fairly nice 2 shot group with the 243 Superlight using Stimpy's recommendation of the 100gr Speer and H4895, first two shots were looking good at a ½", but the 3rd opened the group up to 2½", but considering they were all shot within 2 minutes, I didn't think it was all that bad!!

The 7x57 shoots fairly well, would like to see tighter groups, but accuracy is acceptable, even including the 3rd shot flyer, maybe I should just shoot 2 shot groups!!

Velocity was excellent compared to book data, but I think I'm gonna try the 140gr TSX, Fred's getting great velocity over 2900fps in his Ruger.

The 30-30 turned in nicely shaped groups with a slight bit of vertical stringing on the 3rds shot, as usual, velocity was 2289fps for 36.5gr, and 2325fps for 37gr, primers are still looking good, so I may try a couple more grains to see how it goes, groups have been improving as the velocity increased.

The 444 shoots fantastic as it always does, accuracy with the start load was great and it only got better for the most part. Here again, I can go a bit more, loading long has its benefits, no hint of pressure so far, primers are looking great, so is velocity approaching 2400fps.

Shooting the 250gr SST muzzleloader bullet that's designed for use in sabots, also was enlightening, accuracy was so-so up until I got to my final load, another one that I can work on, primers are looking great here too at a little over 1900fps.

The 500S&W and the 700gr Ranger Rick bullets got me nothing with the additional 1gr of powder loads that I didn't get to shoot last time, velocity didn't increase much at all, really all I got was flattened primers!! The 29gr of Lil'gun got me 1430fps and the best accuracy of all, may try some H110 tho, still have some bullets left to use up!!

You can see the Optima Elite range report in the CVA forum if you're interested.,123088.msg1098436389.html#msg1098436389More later,