Wow, I don't check in for a little while and all heck breaks loose!

Rex, NO it is not for sale, unless the price is right,,,,,,,,,,then pretty much everything is for sale. My kids,,,,,well, depends on which day you ask me.

One thing I get a kick out of on this forum. You have those that get 1 1/2" to 2 1/2" accuracy and that is great with them. It'll put one in the boiler room of the whitetail at 120 yards and why worry about anything else. Every time they shoot it equals a dead deer. Some of those can't understand why someone would even bother with expecting more.
While others on this board really would not accept anything less than 1/2 MOA. Some of these have shown that they are completely unimpressed by someone shooting 1 1/4" groups.
Personally, I am TOTALLY impressed by the guy who has a Handi that will shoot 2" groups and uses it to shoot deer and "Bang/Flops" every deer he shoots at. The rifle is a tool and this guys tool is working perfectly.
But, I am also equally impressed with the guy that has produced a tack driver, whether he uses it for punching small 1 hole groups in paper, or shoot PDs out ot several hundred yards.
I am NOT impressed by those that can not see someone elses success with how they use their gun (tool). Just because it is not what you want/need/expect, if it is perfect for that other person, be happy for them and don't criticize.
For me, I am a tinkerer. I bought the Handi because after reading about them on here, I wanted to see if I was up the task of making it a MOA rifle. After the last range trip, I think I have done it. By the way, not sure if I mentioned it in a previous post, but up until Saturday I had shot exactly ONE 3 shot group of less than an inch at 100 yards. Saturday, I shot 4 out of 5! That was with a <$400 dollar rifle/scope setup using 2 different factory ammos.
Yes, I am happy.