Well got about 3 hours range time with the rifle today , with some very strange results . Rounds tested were as fallows .
100gr TSX over 40gr of IMR4895 and CCI 200 LRPs --
2" groups .
87gr Sierra Spitzer over 45gr of IMR4895 and CCI 200 LRPs --
1 1/2 to 2" groups .
115gr Nosler BTs over 38gr of H4895 and CCI 200 LRPs --
1" groups with 2 flyers , i pulled those shots .
110gr Nosler Accu over 43.5gr of H380 and CCI 200 LRPs --
2 nice 3/4" groups and one group that was UGLY , not sure what happened .
120gr Speer BT Spitzers over 26gr of IMR 4227 with CCI 200 LRPs --
Very consistent 3/4" groups .

May have to change primers for this rifle , the CCIs seam to be too hard , about 1/2 of the rounds required a second hammer drop to fire , got very lite pin marks but good headspace so i'll try Win LRPs next time .
The next thing was that the powder that i would expected to do poorly did very well , still have not figgered that one out . am going to try some slower burning powders for the next batch . Also had a lot of problems with sticking brass , time for a good chamber polishing .

should have done that first thing .
For the most part i am very pleased with this barrel and how it shoots . But as with all Handi's its a work in progress .

Almost forgot these were 100 yard shots .