I'm like Lance ,i sure know what i would do with it ,or i know some folks who would be thinking the same thing i am.
I'm not telling you to do this ,,,but,,, in what you have you have a great breech with step down.
Here in the oil fields they have a seamless tubing ,it has to withstand gas pressure of up 250,000 PSI and more.
Its OD is 2.250 ,its Id is 1.75 highly polished.
It is some kind of really strong SS , your tube is 14in deep ,cut some of this tubing 36in long ,Lathe its outside to a point it can be super heated on a tube like this ,freeze the tubing ,basically what was done on your chamber ,make sure it seats properly.
Then drill through what you have barely into the tubing and plug weld it.
Surface lathe the entire outside for effect.
Golf ball cannon.
I'm sure i started a flame here ,and i have never done it ,but i see a lot of Machine shops around here on a week end with a couple of guys using this stuff to make golf ball tubes.
I have seen them on the range ,i never heard of an issue.
One guy even took Off Shore high pressure Dill Collar casing ,4in od 2in id ,
Made a chamber tube out of 4in id ,6in od ,same stuff and he has a very nice gun.
Someone like Sea Coast could tell you better ,i am not saying do this ,but they can tell you better.
I would just make a real big noise maker out of it.
I am in no way a barrel maker ,i am only stating what i have seen done ,and i don't know which is stronger ,Laminated or solid.