I like mine so the forend will just stay on without the screw, at least that's a good place to start. On the wood/laminated forend, you can remove the two screws in the spacer and flat sand the spacer to decrease the pressure to install the forend, you can alway add a shim between the spacer and forend if it's too loose, I use aluminum furnace tape, it's about .002" thick and multiple layers can be added to increase the length for a tighter fit, just trim it with a sharp blade so it's the same or slightly smaller than the profile of the spacer so it doesn't show.
Synthetic forends aren't as user friendly since there's no spacer, it they're loose, you'll need a new one or some modification of the hole.
There a lots of accurizing tips in the FAQs and Help sticky, I'm pretty sure what I just wrote is already in there, if it isn't, it will be, spend some time in there and you'll learn a lot.