The brass needs to be full length sized just enough so the action will lock up tight with an empty case chambered, just turn the die in a little at a time and size the brass, then check the fit in the chamber, repeat until the brass is flush with the chamber face, or just a little protruding, depends on the barrel to chamber gap, you just need to get the die set right. 
I should know better than to question Tim.

Factory ammo closed up fine so did empty rifle.
Set my sizing die to Lee recommended 1/3 turn down from touching.
Resized a case. Same thing. I could see light through. Not much, maybe half a thousandth.
Turned the die in another 1/4 turn. Resized the same brass.
It chambered fine.
Double checked with another case.
I guess this was a new reloader problem not a Handi problem.