Nice work!!

Here's a PVC target stand that I found.
Materials needed(Home Depot):
2- 1" PVC Elbows(.44 each)
2- 1"x1"x1" PVC Ts(.56 each)
2- 1"x1/2"x1" PVC Ts(.93 each)
1- 1/2" SC40 PVC Conduit joint 10' (1.09 each)
2- 1" SC40 PVC Conduit joints 10' (2.30 each)
1- Box of 100 #8x1/2" round head sheet metal screws(2.87 each bx)
1- 4" PVC Drain pipe 10' (7.82 each)
1- 35" wide 140 ft roll of contractors paper(9.97 each) (in the paint section)
1- 1x6 fence picket (cheap)
2- Paper clamps(had them on hand, have no idea what they cost)
Cut 2 1" conduits 37-1/4" long
Cut 1 1" conduit 37" long
Cut 1 1/2" conduit 37-1/8" long
Cut 4 1" conduits 10-12" long
Cut 2 1" conduits 2-1/8" long
Cut 1 4" PVC piece 36-3/4" long
37-1/4" 1" pieces are the sides
37 1" is top
37-1/8" is the paper roll axle
4-10" pieces are the feet
2-1/8" piece are just connections from the 1x1/2x1 tees to connect the feet Ts
Assemble all PVC, Square, drill pilot holes slightly smaller than #8 screw at every joint(3 per Tee), screw a screw in every joint hole, cut a slit all the way down the 4" 36-3/4 pipe, insert paper roll and while inserting pull tab of paper through slit and slide roll into pipe, unscrew one side of 1/2" axle and pull from joint, slide paper roll/4" pipe onto axle, reinsert axle in T, replace screw into axle, Drill 3/8" hole in one side of clamp, drill 1/8" hole in other side of clamp, remove one clamp arm on the small hole side, level clamp on top 2" back from elbow, mark through big hole and little hole onto the pipe, drill small pilot hole at marks, insert screw through 3/8 hole and screw to top pipe, cut fence picket 36-7/8"
Do not glue anything in case something breaks, you can just replace one piece instead of the whole thing.