No camo is just my personal preference. I've hunted predators and varmints for about 5 decades, started out not wearing camo for most of those years, did wear it for a few years (more as a "required" fashion statement for the ranchers/farmers I was doing so much ADC for at the time), then went back to not wearing it again about 5-6 years ago. With proper set up and if you can keep movement to a minimum you just don't need it, at least not out here in the west. Saves hundreds to thousands of dollars in gear made to appeal to the buyers of it, not the predators.
Went back to not wearing camo mostly because I also went back to calling only with small bore traditional sidelock muzzleloaders as I had done in the 70's, wearing my rondy leathers and only using mouth calls I make myself. Adds greatly to the overall experience of pitting my skills against theirs for me, and gives them a more than fair chance by not using modern laser-guided missile launchers to shoot them with. Called in close enough for the MLer's they are still usually dead.
Sport hunting for predators offers a lot of personal enjoyment for anyone who gets into it, but does not require a lot of expense to do it. I started out just using my deer rifle, calls I made myself and nothing else. Over time I learned from my mistakes, the ways of the predators and got more successful. But if you prefer to use camo, cover scents, electronic callers and decoys, special firearms, etc to gain that enjoyment, then have at it. Doesn't matter to me, I just choose not to use any of them anymore and am successful enough without them.