I know there has been a ton of speculation regarding the new H&R Ultragon rifling and its possible impact on accuracy for the USHs, and since I was lucky enough to acquire a 20g USH with thumbhole stock and new rifling recently, and conduct some accuracy testing, I thought I'd share...
Though I didn't take any pictures yet (I have the target with the best results right next to me and I'll try to get to posting a photo) I have the following accuracy data to report:
Federal Premium Vital-Shok Barnes Expander (P209XS) 3" 273gr 1900fps
- 3-shot 2" group with 2 5"-6" flyers low/right (after fouling shot)
Winchester Supreme Partition Gold 3" 280gr 2000fps
- 3-shot 1" group with 2 4" flyers low/center (fouling shot included in main 1" group)
Hornady SST 2 3/4" 250gr 1800fps
- Multiple 3-shot 2"-3" groups (all shots from cold/clean barrel)
- 1 3-shot 1.125" group with 1 2" flyer low/left (after additional/separate 1" high fouling shot, no cleaning in-between)
Lightfield Hybred Exp 2 3/4" 385gr 1502fps
- 4-shot 2" group with 1 3" flyer low/left (fouling shot included in main 2" group)
Hastings Laser Accurate 2 3/4" 410gr 1475fps
- 3-shot 2" group with 2 2" flyers low/left (fouling shot included in main 2" group)
wait for it...........................................................
Remington Premier Copper Solid 2 3/4" 273gr 1500fps
- 5-shot 1" group (no, seriously... I quadruple checked the target... two shots almost went into ORH.... it was beautiful!!!)
One question I have for you all is this... the Rem box is a little vague on trajectory. Specifically, it says that if this load is zeroed at 50yds then it'll be -3.1 at 100yds. If I want to obtain maximum range, how should I zero?