More info: mom skipped out on the court date. The child told the Dr. and Judge that his pain was a 10 on a 1-10 scale, and his tumor is growing again. IMHO plenty of reason for the State to step in to protect the child.
Yep, crackpots. This is from the their website. Looks like you pay them $250.00 a month and they make you a "Medicine Man (or Woman)." They have 7 tabs on their official website and 5 of them deal with giving them money. Band and Native American Traditional Organization
(Oklevueha Native American Church of Sanhempet)
P.O. Box 126; Weaubleau, MO 65774 877‐7WALK SACRED
Application For Spiritual Adoption by the Elected Principle Medicine Chief [EPMC] of the Nemenhah Band
Whereas: The Nemenhah Band and Native American Traditional Organization is the “Spiritual Family” of the Elected Principle
Medicine Chief through the ancient principle of “Making of Family,” which the Nemenhah Band articulates as “Spiritual Adoption,”
and it is through this principle that I request Spiritual Adoption by the EPMC,
Therefore: Through this application I declare that (1) Natural Healing comprises part of my Spiritual Orientation; (2) I will First Do
No Harm; (3) I will diligently study the Sahaptan Healing Way and strive to become a Sahaptan Guide, Carrier and Shirt in due course,
understanding that I shall receive my training from Chief Cloudpiler, or by whomever he assigns to assist for purposes of my training
as a Medicine Man or Woman of the Nemenhah Band; (4) in accordance with the Constitution of the Band, which I have read and to
which I subscribe, I covenant to generously donate out of my surplus so that my gift may help to support my Mentor and my Band,
beginning with the suggested donation of $250.00 which accompanies this application and going forward each month thereafter as
the Spirit dictates.
Date: _______________________ Signed: ______________________________________
I understand that this is not “Tribal” or “Legal” Adoption and that it is the only manner in which a person may become a Member of the Nemenhah Band.
I have written my check, Payable to Cloudpiler, and I have sent this application to the address above.
Intake Information: Please Print Legibly Gender: Male ____ Female _____
Applicant: _____________________________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: ________ Zip: ____________________ Country: _________________
Phone: _____________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________
Other Phone: ________________________________ Website: _______________________________________________________
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Please Do Not Write Below This Line ‐ Administration Purposes Only
EPMC Signature: _______________________________________________
Offering Information:
Amount: $250.00 USD Check ______ Money Order ______ Cash ______ Kind _____
Date Received: _______________________________
Documentation Information:
Certificate _______ Commission Letter _______ Wallet Card _______ (When Available)
Date Sent: ___________________________________