Author Topic: new gun day: remington 788  (Read 2769 times)

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Offline john keyes

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new gun day: remington 788
« on: June 06, 2009, 12:32:04 PM »
okay so I'm a lousy photographer..... ::)
some key points however, nice clean lines, full length barrel

I shot about 13 rounds out of it, unfortunately the darn thing can count. loves to put two rounds close, the next is always
an inch and a half away....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr  (its was very hot out there too)
the middle card is a two shot one hole, the next shot was an inch or so low, missed the card   >:(

at first I thought this 788 had a buggered up extractor....when I looked at the end of the bolt,
things didn't look so good, not a lot of meat there on the extractor. I was already looking up
on Numrich etc for extractors when I decided to look at  one of my late model 700's for comparison
and lo and behold it looks just the same, and will not grab the head of
the cartridge until its chambered....
as shown below, round in magazine, bolt moving forward

bolt shoving round off of magazine

next two show bolt pulled back, no engagement

I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, I just now figgered this out about remingtons?   

the next two I'm trying to illustrate the tiny extractors but it did not show up too good

and of course the infamous rear lugs of the 788 bolt

the scope/mounts are very old, weaver 4x wire reticle, I made one adjustment to raise POI since shots were low, low power loads for my son (who decided he wasn't interested and did not go) 
36.0 H380 and 80gr corelocts, new remington brass
the ol weaver still had a nice view in the afternoon sun, and the adjustment had nice firm clicks

final verdict: this gun is not goin anywhere, I paid $389 for  the whole package, a little steep but I could not hold off of my lifelong quest for a 6mm 788.
the gun is very good lookin
one "downside" it takes a little forward thrust to close the bolt, round or no round
of course I was very easy on this ol timer after everything I've heard.
I think I might be hunting with it this season myself
Though taken from established manufacturers' sources and presumed to be safe please do not use any load that I have posted. Please reference Hogdon, Lyman, Speer and others as a source of data for your own use.

Offline jeepmann1948

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Re: new gun day: remington 788
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2009, 12:54:19 PM »
Check the stock bedding bedding , may be a source of the fliers. I have never saw an old 788 that wasn't a Great Shooter. Had several wished I had kept them! Back when they discontinued them , the rumor floating around was that Remington quit making them because they out shot their 700's . By the way back in the 60's they sold new retail for $89.95.
  Nice gun by the way! ;D
"it ain't what you shoot em with......................
  it's where you hit em "

Offline john keyes

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Re: new gun day: remington 788
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2009, 11:59:03 AM »
junior decided he wanted to shoot his gun today

I set him up at 25 yards

a grand total of two shots fired, but I congratulated him

he's still a little small so I'm taking it easy on him
a 223 may be in order soon, the 6mm is still a bit much IMHO

Though taken from established manufacturers' sources and presumed to be safe please do not use any load that I have posted. Please reference Hogdon, Lyman, Speer and others as a source of data for your own use.

Offline bart74

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Re: new gun day: remington 788
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2009, 01:10:53 PM »
A 788 rem .308 was my first deer rifle i traded it because i though i need a mag i should have my @ss kicked nice looking gun i did kill a truck load of deer with it  and not manny with the .300 mag i traded it for
missed some

Offline saltydog

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Re: new gun day: remington 788
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2009, 07:15:34 AM »
Great purchase - check the stock / barrel channel for adaquate clearance. The barrel is actually fairly hefty and after a few shots I had a 788 22-250 that would "grow" the groups due to contact - a light touch with some sandpaper and linseed oil took care of the problem.

Offline Swampman

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Re: new gun day: remington 788
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2009, 03:06:37 PM »
The 788 is a great rifle.
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Offline mannyrock

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Re: new gun day: remington 788
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2009, 08:12:36 AM »
  Dumbest thing I EVER did:

   It was the mid-1970s.  For my first rifle, I had to choose between a Rem. 788 in .308 ($110 new), a Rem. 700 ADL in .30-06 ($155 new), and a Remington 700 BDL in 7 Mag  ($195 new).   I bought the Rem. 700 BDL, cause I just HAD to have that great impressed checkering, and those white-line spacers, and a Magnum rifle!  Nothing else would do! (I had been brainwashed by the gun rags).

   Spent the next 25 years figuring out that I should have bought that 788 in .308.  Now, if you can find one in near excellent shape, they cost alot more than a brand new Remington 700 BDL.  :-)

Best Regards,


Offline poncaguy

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Re: new gun day: remington 788
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2009, 03:12:41 PM »
I was kucky, found a 788 6mm in pawn shop to replace the the one I sold in the 60's. Now, if I can find one in 22-250 to replace the other I sold. Also sold my 65 fast back  Corvette and 69 SS Chevelle back then. I'm a stupid old man.....ha. My 788 shoots great, no problems of any kind........

Offline mannyrock

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Re: new gun day: remington 788
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2009, 04:55:54 AM »

     Another thing I really like about the 788, is that it is slightly heavier, and the stock is somewhat bulkier, than the Rem 700, so when you hold the 788, it feels like you are holding a well sporterized military rifle in your hands.  It "feels" like a 98 mauser.


    P.S.-  Am about to inherit some money.  Am thinking about buying a classic 1960s muscle car   (68 Pontiac Grand Prix?), having a brand new engine put in it, and actually using it to drive everyday, and not as a show car. That would rock!

Offline Siskiyou

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Re: new gun day: remington 788
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2009, 05:33:48 AM »
I bought my 788 in 243 Winchester on sale with a cheap scope.  I replaced it with a 3x9 Banner BDC which has provided me with good service.  I bedded it with Acro Glass.  Most likely I did it because I was bored and I had the glass. 

The stock is okay, but ugly and heavy.  Unlike the removal magazine on my other rifles it is not the most comfortable carry.

I am thinking an aftermarket stock might lose a few ounces.  I have thought about painting the stock flat black to get rid of the glare.

I am glad I bought an extra magazine long ago.

My only regret is that I handed the one in 6MM Remington back to the clerk and asked for one in .243 Winchester.  The flaw in my middle of the road character showed itself.   I was sure thirty years ago the 6MM Remington was a dying cartridge.  It should not have mattered because I reload.  At the price I could have bought two 788’s one in 6MM and one in .243.  The quilt was reinforced every time my buddy’s wife killed a buck with a 6MM Remington.

I had my 788 out the other day, and realized what a good deal the rifle was.,175285.msg1098833462.html#msg1098833462

You have good rifle.

There is a learning process to effectively using a gps.  Do not throw your compass and map away!

Boycott: San Francisco, L.A., Oakland, and City of Sacramento, CA.

Offline kiddekop

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Re: new gun day: remington 788
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2009, 05:50:56 AM »
I bought my 788 in 243 Winchester on sale with a cheap scope.  I replaced it with a 3x9 Banner BDC which has provided me with good service.  I bedded it with Acro Glass.  Most likely I did it because I was bored and I had the glass. 

The stock is okay, but ugly and heavy.  Unlike the removal magazine on my other rifles it is not the most comfortable carry.

I am thinking an aftermarket stock might lose a few ounces.  I have thought about painting the stock flat black to get rid of the glare.

I am glad I bought an extra magazine long ago.

My only regret is that I handed the one in 6MM Remington back to the clerk and asked for one in .243 Winchester.  The flaw in my middle of the road character showed itself.   I was sure thirty years ago the 6MM Remington was a dying cartridge.  It should not have mattered because I reload.  At the price I could have bought two 788’s one in 6MM and one in .243.  The quilt was reinforced every time my buddy’s wife killed a buck with a 6MM Remington.

I had my 788 out the other day, and realized what a good deal the rifle was.,175285.msg1098833462.html#msg1098833462

You have good rifle.

I made up a load for a 243 Rem 788 that would print cloverleafs at 100 yards : 100gr Nosler Solid Base,35.5gr IMR 4895 bought it for my son.

Offline kiddekop

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Re: new gun day: remington 788
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2009, 05:55:35 AM »
I bought my 788 in 243 Winchester on sale with a cheap scope.  I replaced it with a 3x9 Banner BDC which has provided me with good service.  I bedded it with Acro Glass.  Most likely I did it because I was bored and I had the glass. 

The stock is okay, but ugly and heavy.  Unlike the removal magazine on my other rifles it is not the most comfortable carry.

I am thinking an aftermarket stock might lose a few ounces.  I have thought about painting the stock flat black to get rid of the glare.

I am glad I bought an extra magazine long ago.

My only regret is that I handed the one in 6MM Remington back to the clerk and asked for one in .243 Winchester.  The flaw in my middle of the road character showed itself.   I was sure thirty years ago the 6MM Remington was a dying cartridge.  It should not have mattered because I reload.  At the price I could have bought two 788’s one in 6MM and one in .243.  The quilt was reinforced every time my buddy’s wife killed a buck with a 6MM Remington.

I had my 788 out the other day, and realized what a good deal the rifle was.,175285.msg1098833462.html#msg1098833462

You have good rifle.

 has some 788 parts