I sent out a letter to othe BATF asking for clearification
of the following
Question 1. Would it be a violation of the law to change a
Contender pistol (purchased originally as a pistol from the
manufacturer in 1995) from a pistol configuration to a
rifle configuration (with a shoulder stock and 18 inch barrel)
and then back to a pistol configuration
(no stock and 10 inch barrel)?
Question 2. Would it be a violation of the law to change a
Contender rifle (purchased originally as a rifle from the
manufacturer in 1995) from a rifle configuration
(shoulder stock and 18 inch barrel) to a
pistol configuration (no shoulder stock and 10 inch barrel)?
Question 3. My 3rd question relates to the Contender pistol and carbine kit
specifically addressed in the 1992 U.S. Supreme Court case United States v. Thompson/Center Arms. Would it be a violation of the law to
assemble the this specific kit as a rifle (shoulder stock and barrel
over 16 inches) and then to later reconfigure this same rifle into
a pistol configuration (no shoulder stock and barrel shorter
than 16 inches)?
Question 4. Would it be a violation of the law to change an
Encore pistol (purchased originally as a pistol from the
manufacturer in 2005) from a pistol configuration to a
rifle configuration (with a shoulder stock and 18 inch barrel)
and then back to a pistol configuration
(no stock and 10 inch barrel)?
Question 5. Would it be a violation of the law to change an
Encore rifle (purchased originally as a rifle from the
manufacturer in 2005) from a rifle configuration
(shoulder stock and 18 inch barrel) to a
pistol configuration (no shoulder stock and 10 inch barrel)?
Their reply came today: