A while back I bought a hollowpointer/accurizer tool manufactured by D Rock at Rimfire Central. There were doubts expressed as to whether the modified bullets would perform.
I ran a 100 yard test. However, before we get to that test, let me walk you through the process of making the ammo.
Here are the components to the hollowpointer...Fairly simple setup, but precise.
The first step is to put the round in the bottom block.
Assemble, and put on some sort of press - even a hammer will work.
Pull the handle...
... and a gaping hollowpoint (depending on depth settings) results.But how do they perform?
They do shoot more accurately than unmodified ammo, but to the same point of aim. This is probably because they've been set to a standard size, and because the center of mass is further back. This is speculation however. I just know it
I set up four water jugs at 100 yards, and fired into them.
These are the results:
This is the first jug. It's pretty well shredded.
A line of all four jugs...
Here's a bullet I recovered from right beyond the fourth jug...
Two more stopped inside the fourth jug.I believe the variation in penetration is due to the fact that I fired 10 rounds, and kept firing after the jugs were pretty well empty. I tried this test before with three jugs and failed to recover any. I therefore added a fourth jug and kept firing until empty to try to get a few decent samples.
This is a picture of the unmodified round, modified round, and the three bullets I was able to recover.Keep in mind that this is CCI 40gn LRN I modified. Their website lists the velocities thus:
Muzzle 1235
50 yards 1092
75 yards 1040
100 yards 998
So, when the bullet impacted, it was acting as a heavy .22 short. Yet, it still expanded to over .36".
These are doing better than my old standby, Winchester Xpert, and are of course more consistent.
I'm impressed.
Josh <><