I thought I would share my thoughts about the new Handi-grip stock sets just coming to market.After seeing Skiforces very nice new camo'd 25-06 and knowing of some of the indifference a few folks have,and discussing this with Quick I decided to post what I know about it and what I found out shooting an similar facsimile of it.
I've been waiting for these new stocks for quite some time for the Handi's..I really liked the thumb hole synthetic design when I first got my Optima Elite. I found the design of the stock to my liking every time I used heavy loads in it.

While different than the Handi Grip stock,the ergonomic principles are still shared.The grip angle is increased significantly with this one,and also one doesn't have to contend with the barrel release lever smacking you every time.
This is skiforce's new 25-06 Handi-gripped rifle which he did a excellent paint job on..You should see there isn't the hump on these for the Handi as opposed to CVA's offering
While I understand completely these certainly aren't and won't be for the wood traditionalist, to my eyes they look to be of the same configuration as what is offered for their 870 replacement stocks with the exception of the recoil pad,and grip checkering.From what I can see the checkering is fairly deep on them and should be easy to hold on to.There really isn't any checkering on Remington's shotgun version,it is a pebble style grip panel,and works very well as well. I did get some trigger time with my 870 earlier this year,so I can clue some of you guys in on just how well these new stock designs work on taming recoil and feel to me.
First...here's my 12ga. Parkerized 870 with it's Hasting slug barrel on..

With 3" Brenneke slugs the felt recoil to me is about what a mid level loaded 45-70 gives. While these slugs are brutally heavy for some,and certainly scary for others,they weren't nearly as bad as shooting out of a standard stocked version,or even a synthetic version which I have done since I have switched out all 3 types of stock sets on this shotgun.I've also tried some heavy loads out of a 12ga Tooper delux Handi so I know just exactly how they feel as well. I also tried some of those super heavy 3" Turkey loads in my 870 to see how it works from a sitting crossed legged position,while I still won't lean back into a tree and shoot any more..as long as I was shooting with out a relaxed grip I could control how much rearward body thrust I got.Shooting this way it felt to me like shooting some 1300 fps pigeon loads..The normal trap loads are real creme puffs to shoot with this stock.One thing to remember is that this pistol grip design of theirs from all looks to me comes from is offered for 870's..and if it works with it,it will certainly work with a Handi.I feel the ergonomics of the pistol grip takes well over 50-60% of the felt recoil away from your shoulder,and makes controlling the muzzle much much easier,from the bench or standing upright.It also will aid with the follow thru on the trigger from the bench, more so than any conventional stock due to the position of your hand,and your trigger finger,just as most F5 class stocks give you.While not as straight as them,this is much more upright than any conventional Handi stock has. The cheek piece is very well in-line with a scope or open sights..Thats the way it works,I tried it with both with a wrap around scope mount a couple times,while you may have to have your cheek a little higher up than you are used to,for me it still provides an ample cheek weld for anyone who keeps their heads upright instead of laying it over the comb of the stock.While ugly to some in it's black form,to me it is a excellent opportunity to have a super nice synthetic stock that has been field proven..(at least to me ) .. to make shooting heavy loads way less painful.Any one shooting these types of loads should really consider one of these stocks once they become available in April sometime for $49.This is what I was told this week for the price of the set. I'm still waiting to hear back from them if they are going to offer their Super Cell recoil pads for them as an option..the lady I spoke to there didn't know,since they hadn't any of them available to them yet for sale separately.To me that would be the icing on the cake if they do.I have always been a traditionalist when it comes to having a nice wooden stock set for my rifles,and was late into recommending any synthetic for them.There are some rifles I feel these types of synthetics are out of place on still, and on those rifles to me they are a thing of beauty destined to be reserved to admired and then cleaned and returned to the safe...but not for a working gun. Not any more. I can hardly wait till they are available,cause I'll be replacing my checkered red camo laminate off my 270 Ultra and getting a set for it.
I know some will hate them,and avoid them like the plague,and call them fugly...nothing wrong with that,after all that's their choice,but for those who are so inclined,and want the real benifits these types of stocks do offer,I would hope you all e-mail and call H&R and tell them to make sure they go thru with these and to give us the option for them...while your at it,tell them to offer the camo versions and add on Remington's excellent recoil pad as well..
Thanks for listening