For those interested or with questions about CASE ANNEALING...GOTO and read the article. It is the most definitive and thorough article on annealing I've read in the past 40 years.
I've tried...several times over the years on point out some of the "problems" associated with the "normally accepted" ways of annealing but it just turned UGLY. This article covered all the things I questioned and some I hadn't thought off or didn't go the extra mile to find out...the EXACT temperature range, two very excellent machines and a couple of easy to build home projects...the reasons WHY...that usually resulted in a HooHaa without half trying.
I did use a battery powered screwdriver and "spinner" to do some, but didn't know the best temp to use or what to look for, and didn't hit the right combination of flame time, spin rate, color change etc. Finally just got tired of it.
There is an archive of articles covering just about all aspects of reloading and shooting for those who want to improve the accuracy of their rifles also...6mmBR is one of the best sites to goto for information that I've found...and the forums are full of excellent teachers, without the normal rancor or egos.