Well if you listen to the dopers here, I'm the only person on Gods green earth that became intoxicated by smoking MJ.
That's a bizarre declaration - I missed where someone made that claim.
Hey - is doper to cannabis, the same as drinker to alcohol? Or drunk?
You mention you were an experienced drinker... does that mean you were a drunk?
LOL. many is the times that the dopers here said MJ is harmless. that's hogwash. they use it to get high, and a person who is high, is a danger behind the wheel, just like a drinker is a danger.
I was at one time a very heavy drinker, feel free to call me a drunk. I deserve it.
but I met the lady who is now my wife and she led me to Jesus. before my salvation, I was blase' about drugs, alcohol and abortion.
I have to take pain medications, but I NEVER drive unless I have 12 hours without it.
I've mailed a few hunting things to some members here, and they can verify that I apologized ahead of time that it might be a few days before I get to the post office. I DO NOT DRIVE AFTER USING MIND ALTERING DRUGS LIKE DOPERS AND DRUNKS.