Author Topic: USH and Huntsman Recievers  (Read 1214 times)

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USH and Huntsman Recievers
« on: December 07, 2010, 01:43:33 PM »
Question, The Huntsman muzzle loader and 20 Ga. USH recievers. Can these be fitted to a 357 or 44 mag barrel?  If so, is the firing pin dia. an issue?  Thanks in advance,  Ideal 60

Offline quickdtoo

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Re: USH and Huntsman Recievers
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2010, 01:56:48 PM »
Yes, H&R will fit the 357 and 44 mag barrels to SB1 frames.

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Offline Brian56

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Re: USH and Huntsman Recievers
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2010, 09:40:02 PM »
  I am sorry, but we cannot fit any barrels except muzzle loader to a huntsman frame.  The reason is, that a huntsman does not have to be registered as a legal firearm like a rifle or shotgun does.


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Re: USH and Huntsman Recievers
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2010, 11:53:41 PM »
 I am sorry, but we cannot fit any barrels except muzzle loader to a huntsman frame.  The reason is, that a huntsman does not have to be registered as a legal firearm like a rifle or shotgun does.


 With all due respect, the huntsman is the same frame as a SB1. It IS registered as a firearm when bought...
 H&R/ NEF brought out the SIDEKICK with a redesigned, shorter frame so it COULD NOT be fit to a rifle or shotgun barrel allowing it to not be deemed a "firearm" and not needing the same paperwork of a "firearm".
 Now if Remington chooses not to mount to one that's another story. But that receiver in the eyes of the BATF IS a firearm receiver.

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Offline Brian56

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Re: USH and Huntsman Recievers
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2010, 12:33:38 AM »
   CW, you are correct, if the Huntsman has been registered with form #4473 with the BATF.  What I was saying is that with out the #4473 form, we can only fit muzzle loader barrels to a Huntsman frame. The Huntsman is not a legal firearm unless it is registered with the BATF. So anyone sending in a Huntsman frame for other than muzzle loader barrels must also send a copy of their BATF registration or we will refuse to install other barrels for legal reasons.


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Re: USH and Huntsman Recievers
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2010, 01:05:34 AM »
What?, new federal laws now, "according to Remington"?
Brian, I don't fault you for this error however whoever made that decision is in error. The part of the gun that is a "firearm" is the reciever, not the barrel. For that reason a Huntsman or a Huntsman reciever (a new one with a regular firing pin, not the old style early Huntsman reciever with a flat style firing pin that cannot ignite standard firearm primers) is by law a firearm. That is because it can be fitted with a rifle or shotgun barrel.
For the same reasoning and laws, a Sidekick reciever or the old flat firing pin style Huntsman reciever is not a firearm, since it cannot be fitted with a shotgun or rifle barrel. Those styles can ONLY be fitted with a ML barrel, therefore they are not firearms.
It is really Very simple, only an uninformed corporate attorney could foul up those simple facts and laws. The reciever makes it a firearm, not the form #4473.

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Re: USH and Huntsman Recievers
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2010, 01:50:16 AM »
   CW, you are correct, if the Huntsman has been registered with form #4473 with the BATF.  What I was saying is that with out the #4473 form, we can only fit muzzle loader barrels to a Huntsman frame. The Huntsman is not a legal firearm unless it is registered with the BATF. So anyone sending in a Huntsman frame for other than muzzle loader barrels must also send a copy of their BATF registration or we will refuse to install other barrels for legal reasons.


That's what I'm telling you. In order for a person to posses a huntsman receiver he needs to be a registered federal firearms dealer or have filled out proper paperwork. AKA the 1968 GCA form 4473 and likely others, based on local laws.
Personal copies to prove they have been filled out would be redundant. As I said, just possession of said receiver suggests proper paperwork has been properly filled out.

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Re: USH and Huntsman Recievers
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2010, 02:53:58 AM »
 I am sorry, but we cannot fit any barrels except muzzle loader to a huntsman frame.  The reason is, that a huntsman does not have to be registered as a legal firearm like a rifle or shotgun does.


As foolish and uninformed as this is I guess Remington has the right to do what they want, even as far as employing and paying uninformed corporate attorneys to make these poor decisions. As CW is telling you Brian, to possess or purchase a Huntsman you must abide by all Federal and State laws pertaining to a firearm, because a Huntsman IS a firearm.
Am I to deduce from this that if I wanted to have Remington fit a new rifle or shotgun barrel to my legally owned 30-06 Handi that I would have to supply you with a form #4473 for that firearm as well?....<><....:)
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Offline gcrank1

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Re: USH and Huntsman Recievers
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2010, 04:28:14 AM »
'Legally registered with the BATF'??? When did this happen?
My understanding is that when I buy through an FFL that the paperwork resides with the dealer until he goes out of business (though it is reviewable at any time by the BATF), not with the BATF as a 'registration'.
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Offline Brian56

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Re: USH and Huntsman Recievers
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2010, 04:43:09 AM »
   CW, again I believe that you are correct. This policy was started at H&R Gardner not Remington. Remington has just continued the same policy. I have sent the information on to Remington legal services for review in hopes to having  the policy changed. I will try to do my best and keep you informed on the out come. Thank You!! CW.


Offline cwlongshot

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Re: USH and Huntsman Recievers
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2010, 04:58:34 AM »
Thank you, it's very nice to see some Manufacturers "eyes" here reading and getting involved in a proactive stance!! Kudos to you and Remington! As you can see we have a strong affinity for our Handis!

I just have a thing for what I call "misinformation" or miss speak.

If I may, I believe us what gcrank1 is commenting about in his comment about your regesteration comment. He is also correct. These forms DO and are REQUIRED to be kept at these FFL locations. They are not sent anywhere, BUT must reside at this address and be made available to BATF if so requested.
 So although filling out this form does record the buyers name, firearm and some personal information. It is not part of any list or other group of information this 4473 form is not registration. Now other forms may be required that are sent to local authorities. What they do with this information is a topic for another forum. ;)

"Pay heed to the man who carries a single shot rifle, he likely knows how to use it."

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Re: USH and Huntsman Recievers
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2010, 05:03:57 AM »
This is just some food for thought . I seem to remember yrs ago that there were quite a few Huntsman's and I am talking about the H&R/NEF one's not the old H&R's .That were sold over the counter and thru the mail that did not get 4473'ed. That there was a bunch of a hellaballu about it . I seem to remember some confusion on this maybe 10 or so yrs ago maybe even longer than that???? That may of had something to do with  Gardner putting that policy in place. But then again this could just be the ramblins of a middle aged man that is having a hard time waiting for friday to get the old .45 Huntsman bloody again. (thanks Andy) Kurt
Deceased 2/16/24

WTUTI12ga,WTU25-06,M158 22RemJet, 24"Ultra.204Ruger24"UltraFluted.204Ruger
M157Mannliker.22Hornet,24".223UltraFluted,   24".223Ultra,7X64BrenekkeUltra,22-250AIUltraFluted            7.62x39,22"303Britstub.32H&Rmag, .32303BritstubHuntsman,24" SS.50calHuntsman 58calHuntsman 12gaHuntsman
NEF RevolversSSModel73.32H&Rmag                     Blued Model73.32H&R mag The herd is shrinking!!
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Offline quickdtoo

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Re: USH and Huntsman Recievers
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2010, 05:39:01 AM »
   CW, again I believe that you are correct. This policy was started at H&R Gardner not Remington. Remington has just continued the same policy. I have sent the information on to Remington legal services for review in hopes to having  the policy changed. I will try to do my best and keep you informed on the out come. Thank You!! CW.


Thanks Brian, we appreciate your help.

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Offline MSP Ret

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Re: USH and Huntsman Recievers
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2010, 05:43:34 AM »
I also wish to offer my thanks to you Brian....<><....:)

P.S. - All the best to you with the .45 Kurt. Post a picture of a nice one with the .45 next to it!!
"Giving up your gun to someone else on demand is called surrender. It means that you have given up your ability to protect yourself to a power that is greater than you." - David Yeagley