OMG.. (Insert sarcasm) Is this a suggestion that a RIMMED case might be better used in a single shot rifle??? PERISH the thought...
Where do people get these ideas?? (Remove sarcasm) 
I first learned a preference for rimmed cartridges in a T/C 30 years ago, (but not in XP's, obviously). I would submit that rimmed cases are better in break open actions.
...respectfully. [sarcasm] [/sarcasm] (That means none intended!)
I agree with you my friend!
John on the other hand has another opinion on the matter... Comeon back later. He will have a retort I am certain.
so tha blackout will handle a heavier bullet thana "39" ?? so what !! whats 20gr when you can
do anythin with tha 7.62x39, much less anathang close in comparison !!.
if you know what yur doin... i know i do.
far asa rim goes.........

i cud care less what yalls favorite assumptions and opinions are.
there are too many handi folks that are happy with there rimless, and prolly there are more folks happy with there rims.
its justa majority thin........ no real evidence.... no real justice.
rim or shoulder and even both !!
headspace isa headspace no matter what you make of it, or shud i say.... what you can do about it

don't say you ain't never heard or hada prollum with yur rims..... its there, but no one will admit it.
i have seen it, had it, experianced it. but you know, i've overcame it. same as with rimless.
only thang required isa little more time work'n with your problem chamberins.
and if it can't be taught to respond to yur like'n...... throw ita way !!!
if you think you gotha perfect rifle ............then the next person will condem it as junk !!
it is written....for every negative there isa positive. and in this case, vise-versa.
i for one don't need no-one to put words in my mouth based on assumptions.
cause i'll speak my mind with tha best of'um...................................................................................