Author Topic: Recoil pads on handi stocks  (Read 1322 times)

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Recoil pads on handi stocks
« on: September 22, 2012, 06:13:45 AM »
Hello guys,

Last night I was continuing straightening and moving things in my loading room. I have been wanting to expand it for some time, but that's about as far as it went... Thinking. ;)

Well I framed in the walls this past week and need to remove about 6' of wall to access the new room. Anyhow, I ran across three recoil pads I had bought and misplaced. One for my Side kick, one for my 25/35 and one for a Marlin 45/70. All needed stock trimming before install. The Sidekick is wearing a USH butt that's had a couple different pads on it. So repairs to the stock came first. I could not find my dowels so I improvised with pencils. :). I drilled the stock with a 5/16 bit about two inches deep, coated the pencils with good epoxy and inverted them with a couple spins to be sure the epoxy was well distributed.

Then I cut the stock off the thickness of the pad, plus 1/4". As a hunting gun our BP seasons are after all other seasons. So it's late December and usually cold so extra or thicker jackets. Having a shorter butt is handi! Last year I took off the pad and hunted that way. I ordered a 1/2" thick vented pad.

After stock was cut I alined pad and marked for mounting screws.

Now drill holes with 1/8" bit.

Then mounted pad and scribed the pad so I know how much to grind off.

Remove pad, mount upside down to grinding jig.

Pad is not 99% done, all that's left is some hand sanding to remove rubber burrs and round edges. Now a little soap on the screw threads, and screw the newly fitted pad to the butt.

I'll put the stock on the receiver when I get back home later tonight.

I repeated the same thi g for the 45/70 butt.

As well as the blk lam 25/35 stock.

I don't really like the brown on here, but I was not able to get a all black pad....


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Offline quickdtoo

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Re: Recoil pads on handi stocks
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2012, 06:40:49 AM »
Nice work CW, great pics, another fix for the FAQs, thanks!!  ;)

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Re: Recoil pads on handi stocks
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2012, 06:41:22 AM »
Never thought to use a pencil for a dowel,good idea! Looks like the first one turned out great,good luck with the others. I've done one grind to fit in the past and will have one to do here before too long. I don't have a grinding jig,but I do have a 1" piece of buttstock that I cut off another stock. I may try to improvise a grinding jig from that.
Good job!
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Offline petemi

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Re: Recoil pads on handi stocks
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2012, 09:28:12 AM »
Two great looking jobs ;) ..............however..........I just never thought of you as being a pencil pusher ;D ;D ;D ;D

Keep both eyes open and make the first shot good.
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Offline Ranger99

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Re: Recoil pads on handi stocks
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2012, 09:35:45 AM »
nice job. . . .

do like that lam stock! ;D
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