I just noticed I've been leaving a digit out of your moniker, Mac11700. Sorry.
I think you're both right about the extra weight forward. My mind was on only part of the problem...recoil reduction... and not thinking through the full extent of action/reaction. It did balance the Buff muzzle heavy the way I like my rigs to handle. Still...you won't know for sure unless you, or someone else, tries. The extra weight dampens out the pulse beats and makes for a smooth, slow swing, definitely not a whipper snapper, but it really isn't to begin with. Sits real nice in the small bag on the benchrest, tho'.
I need to leave the wheels at home, some of my hunting buddy's already think I think too much. Don't want to get them nervous so they have a built in excuse for a missed shot.

I haven't tried Nosler Part's yet but they are on my short list. I've tried RL-7 - high velocity but large groups with Hornady and Speer 300's and Speer 400's. IMR 4895 - up there with the velocity and groups in the 2" range, plus or minus half inch, with a full, slightly compressed load and IMR 4198 doing the very best with the 300 Hornady so far.
No way to play with seating so changing the load and then primers is about all as far as loads are concerned. WW cases weigh 30 gr less than RP cases but the RP produced the better groups. I going to wear out something before I get a decent load worked up.
I hope the fix works also. If the JB doesn't work, I'm gonna have a mess to clean up and start again. Sorta like someone brasing a broken part then bringing it to me wanting a nice pretty weld job and wondering why the price just tripled.
Fred...I would give anything or do anything to have CNC machines and all the nice thingy's. As it is I'm just barely above draw filing. If I had to draw file a barrel I would turn into evil incarnate in a New York second. New borns would try to run when the saw me. While I'm not a wild man by any stretch of the imagination, any long time milling or lathe jobs and I have to go out and run around with the dog every hour or so, otherwise the hair on my bald head would look like a 60's Fro'.

. Can't spell either, can I?

Breakfast is over and time to get to work.
Enjoy NFG