Author Topic: Quess you were right GB  (Read 42620 times)

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Offline bikerbeans

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Re: Quess you were right GB
« Reply #60 on: May 08, 2012, 02:03:28 AM »
Bikerbeans, you sure have the situation described perfectly.I also am on oxygen 24/7 and have not hunted or fished in that length of time. It seems I am a "burden" to the ones who use to be so called "friends". All thats left for entertainment is playing bingo with the mrs..A real excitement. Yeah!!! :(

What state are you in?  I know many of the states have special hunts for the disabled.  I live in Ohio and there are several disabled deer hunts I can apply for but I choose not to because I have folks that help me hunt on state & private land.   Do you have an iFill system?  IF you do or can get your insurance to pony up for one and talk them into the Larger "D" size bottles you can stay out for a bit.  I am on 4 LPM and can stay out for about 3 hours moving around or 6 hours sitting with the "D" size bottle.
good luck!
RIP Tom: Tom Nolan, ( bikerbeans) passed away this afternoon (02-04-2021).

Why be difficult, when with a little extra effort you can be impossible?

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Offline popplecop

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Re: Quess you were right GB
« Reply #61 on: May 19, 2012, 10:53:03 AM »
I too am diabled, some by my own stupidy COPD, was a smoker.  Some from the military and the rest work related.  Even wore out an artificial knee after useing it for 21 yrs., just had it chisled it out and installed a new one last year.  I've learned to adapt so I can still hunt squirrel, deer and ducks.  My grouse hunting has taken a bit of a set back, but if hunt by myself and take breaks when needed still get out.  One just has to modify their tactics and take it easy.  If I'd loose about 40 lbs. it would be better too, going to be 73 this Nov. and hope to hunt this fall.  Got to just bought another .22 squirrel rifle.
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Offline goofyoldfart

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Re: Quess you were right GB
« Reply #62 on: July 08, 2012, 03:23:06 AM »
Been a day or dozen since I was on here--but, I thought I'd stop back by. thanks BB for the reply. I read these pages and realize that there are many in worse situations than I. I'm not afraid to admit that I have limitations (67--too old to be MACHO) and just have to pace myself and DO IT. I do have friends that will go with me fishing and hunting so I am better off than most. I have thought about asking if there are people in the Indy area or Indiana (not too far away) that are disabled that need a hunting partner and just going along to help them. Maybe pop a cap now and then. don't know. It is a thought. God Bless to all and to yours.

                       GOF (aka the goofyoldfart) :)

Offline hedgehoghunter

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Re: Quess you were right GB
« Reply #63 on: December 13, 2012, 06:03:24 AM »
Disable aaaaahhh I dont like that word . I had a fall 1994 shattered 4 verts in my back wife found me 12 hours later in shock we live out in the country no neighbors . Well my source of getting around is a wheelchair I have been lucky to have a beautiful woman stay beside me . We have been married for 22 years and they have been a great 22 years . You know we are all blessed many ways seems like some more than others . But if i pass tomorrow I would say I'm better off than 95 % up walking around . I have mantaged to live a full productive life and I have personally seen the gifts God has provided me with
I like to educate people .It's the unknown that closes so many doors .
                               TC ive ranted enough Jim

Offline goofyoldfart

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Re: Quess you were right GB
« Reply #64 on: December 15, 2012, 12:33:32 PM »
well, I'm back again. Again it has been a few dozen or so days. ;D well the good news is that I had a hunt set up for deer sniping and had a young friend that was going with me (he's 15 and hasn't had hunter safety yet) as a safety man. Sort of pick up the old buzzard if he falls down or help drag if I was lucky. The bad news is that I won't need him this year. Seems that while helping his  grandmother move into the apartment I pivoted-- my knee moved but my foot didn't (caught on the carpet). Heard 3-4 pop, crackle and snaps. To the best of my knowledge (the doc wasn't to specific and said the Ortho doc would explain) I have a fractured Femur knuckle, ligaments torn on tibia and fibula. plus, said she, there is a hole in my bone--didn't say which and where. Oh, and as a side thought, said she, there is hardly any cartilage in the joint :'( :o . My Friends, there are days that life truly does suck. But on the good side, on the 20 th of Dec I get to talk to the Ortho doc. Maybe I'll be lucky and they will just cut it off at the knee and give me one of those Carbon Fiber springy thingies and then I can just spring through the woods ::) ;D . on the plus side it'll give me a chance to work up a good load for the H&R .357 Break open and practice fast reloads. plus I'll have time to get my "Safety Guy" into a hunting safety class. he can use the .357 H&R and I will travel light with the Ruger Red hawk in .45lc or the .44 special. Light load--getting old, doncha' know. let the kid carry the rifle.
   any way I wasted enough of ya'lls good time, so I'll close with "don't give up the ship--Damn the torpedoes, get the deer" and God Bless to all of you and yours.

                                    GOF (goofyoldfart) ;D

ETA: Had my 32 sober year on Nov 21. Never thought that I see 32 days.  WWWHHOOOO, WWWWHHHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Offline Sourdough

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Re: Quess you were right GB
« Reply #65 on: March 15, 2013, 11:14:12 AM »
I am disabled, but never think to post here since I am posting elsewhere.  I don't think much about my disabilities, I just work around them.  I ride an ATV, snow machine, or boat, or I don't go in the woods.  I can not climb a hill due to my breathing, and heart.  I can not walk more than 100 yards, or lift over 15 lbs due to 4 herniated disk.  So a lot of my hunting is done from a drifting boat or raft.  Since all my friends work I am usually alone, and have to figure out how to do things by myself.

I'm not going to just sit in a chair and let life pass me by, like so many others I know who are disabled. 
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
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A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

Offline geezerbiker

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Re: Quess you were right GB
« Reply #66 on: March 18, 2013, 11:07:55 PM »
Sourdough, you are and inspiration to us all.  I always thought I was too old and beat up to live and hunt in Alaska although it has been one of my dreams for many years... 

I suppose a quad should on my list of things to get.  Do you find the quad scares away any of the game you hunt?
