Author Topic: 9/11 Families want a Real Investigation to get USA back on track...  (Read 5109 times)

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Offline Mule 11

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Re: 9/11 Families want a Real Investigation to get USA back on track...
« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2024, 01:46:20 PM »
Here's a clip of the south tower. At about 35 seconds in the vid, you will see what might appear to you as a welders torch where the building is burning. This is thermite folks. This is the exact point where the building will collapse in this vid. If you had any high school science classes, you would know that the debris field would have fallen pretty much straight down, but it didn't. There were explosives involved which is why there was pyroclastic clouds which is only produced from explosives or extreme hot gases, none of which would have been produced by the jet fuel that had long since burned off or paper or wood furniture. If you watched any of the news that day, you would have seen where the media was in the lobby of the south tower. The lobby is pretty much destroyed- why? A fireman comes to explain that the sublevel 2 mechanical floor has been bombed and there's not much left of it- why, the buildings were hit by an airplane. Why would buildings designed with not one but two crumple zones collapse for a total of 4 crumple zones that failed, the only ones in the history of steel buildings? The Empire State building has the same crumple zones yet survived a B25 hitting it. If you believe that there was no outside forces that caused these buildings to fail, then you also believe that physics took the day off. Here's the vid:

What about this?

The possibility of someone tampering with and installing accelerants to the main supports is a reasonable idea. If you can commandeer a plane You can certainly plant thermite etc to the main supports. Question being, who?

 Spell check can suck...

Offline gypsyman

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Re: 9/11 Families want a Real Investigation to get USA back on track...
« Reply #31 on: May 08, 2024, 11:47:05 AM »
Here's a clip of the south tower. At about 35 seconds in the vid, you will see what might appear to you as a welders torch where the building is burning. This is thermite folks. This is the exact point where the building will collapse in this vid. If you had any high school science classes, you would know that the debris field would have fallen pretty much straight down, but it didn't. There were explosives involved which is why there was pyroclastic clouds which is only produced from explosives or extreme hot gases, none of which would have been produced by the jet fuel that had long since burned off or paper or wood furniture. If you watched any of the news that day, you would have seen where the media was in the lobby of the south tower. The lobby is pretty much destroyed- why? A fireman comes to explain that the sublevel 2 mechanical floor has been bombed and there's not much left of it- why, the buildings were hit by an airplane. Why would buildings designed with not one but two crumple zones collapse for a total of 4 crumple zones that failed, the only ones in the history of steel buildings? The Empire State building has the same crumple zones yet survived a B25 hitting it. If you believe that there was no outside forces that caused these buildings to fail, then you also believe that physics took the day off. Here's the vid:

What about this?

The possibility of someone tampering with and installing accelerants to the main supports is a reasonable idea. If you can commandeer a plane You can certainly plant thermite etc to the main supports. Question being, who?

 Spell check can suck...
I hadn't given it much thought until I seen the video a friend posted. Like the JFK assignation, Trump was going to unseal the files, but changed his mind, wonder who got to him. The more the government tries to keep something from coming out, and tells you just what ''they'' want you think happened, the more it looks like a lie!
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline Mule 11

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Re: 9/11 Families want a Real Investigation to get USA back on track...
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2024, 02:14:15 PM »
  Here's what I know FORSURE about 9-11.

  My wife's grandfather was a retired engineer/trouble shooter for Pratt & Whitney.  He was hired to come back and do an inspection of the steel that was in the buildings/fire and write a report on it.

  He was old school and absolutely didn't believe in BS and I know for a fact no one could pay him to write a "dummy" report.

  Long story short, the fueled fire, weakened the steel and the bld. collapsed under its own weight, that was his conclusion, and he was an expert in his field.

  I'm going with what he thought because I know for sure he wouldn't have said it if he didn't believe it was true.


Very impressive, to be an expert, how many of these buildings collapsed by jet planes has he investigated?
  I'd say "at least" TWO more than YOU...

  What are YOUR credentials that allow you to insinuate, that he's wrong???

  List them please...


I, also know some engineers :)