Graybeard Outdoors (GBO Reloaded)
H&R Talk => H&R Centerfire Rifles => Topic started by: greg916 on June 03, 2007, 01:09:18 AM
Anybody tried one of these?
I believe Datil has one.
Yep Old Marv. has one, recambered a Hornett replace ejecter with a
30-30 from Brownell's Cut a wider ejecter slot with a Moto- tool.
Had at the last P, dog shoots, going again Thursday.
Best to use 25-35 brass, just run in 219 Zipper die then trim to lenth.
Who every makes 219 brass is to D--- high in MHO. Marv.
I like it.
Thanks Datil, this is probably one of the better options. Who would you recommend to do the rechamber for me? I don't think I want to tackle that myself. Now to find a donor barrel!
Greg916, It is a real easy job on a 22 Hornet or 223 barrel, no guts no glory,
It can be done by hand, take it slow and easy use plenty of cutting oil,
clean cutter often. you need a vise to hold barrel. Marv.
Think I'll send off my frame and have a 223 bbl fitted. Will NEF sell me a 30/30 extractor?
4D has the reamer. Graf & Sons has the brass. Think I will order the target forearm and rollover cheekpiece stock from GunStocks Inc. Be the closest thing to a custom gun I have ever had.
Do you have an extractor or ejector barrel? That will make a difference. You can order ejectors from Brownell's too and what to order depends on when your barrel was made as '99 and later are different than before '99. If it's an extractor barrel, H&R be the source, either a 30-30 or 38-55 extractor/ejector will work. And as Marv mentioned, the ejector/extractor notch will need to be modifiied.
It will probably be an ejector. I looked in the classified section and nobody has any 22 bores for sale. Will send off my reciever this week to have it fitted at the factory. I think I would actually prefer an ejector on this one.
I was searching your previous posts looking for Wayne's contact info. Thought I might send it to him if I didn't feel comfortable with doing the work myself.
Any new centerfire rifle barrel from H&R will be an extractor.
Thanks for the link, Tim.
I used the wrong word! Knew they were extractors! I lost all my Handi's in a fire and just started replacing them the past year. Was sort of surprised to see that. I am among the very few who actually prefer them. The micro-grove rifling in the 30/30 is a different story.
I was wondering that, but my memory isn't always too accurate any more!!! :-[
Actually, H&R hasn't used "micro-groove" rifling, although it has been very shallow and could be deemed micro!!! Current production barrels are being made my Marlin except for the BC barrel which is made by Green Mountain. If you get a barrel as good as my .444 barrel which was broach rifled by Marlin, you'll be very happy with it. ;)
You made me pull out my 30-30 and count the grooves. Actually could not count them,eyes are sorta old and tired :-[ but there sure seems to be more of them than in my old barrel! It shoots jacketed well, haven't tried cast in it yet.
There are quite a few here that shoot cast in their 30-30s, it's just a matter of getting the right sized cast bullet for the bore. Older barrels of the Topper 158 had nice deep rifling, they definately would have been easier to make great cast shooters out of em. With the shallow rifling, I think I'd try a .311" gas checked bullet most likely, but I've not shot any cast in mine. I do shoot cast in my .35 Remington that's a rechambered 357mag, it's extremely accurate with 200gr Mt Baldys.