Graybeard Outdoors (GBO Reloaded)
Hunting and Trapping Forums => Bikers who hunt and shoot => Topic started by: eskimo36 on December 02, 2009, 03:02:15 AM
I just found this topic... I stay mostly at the top of the page in H&R and TC areas. I know it doesn't have chrome and I have no leather but I respect all for there choices...with bikes and guns. I know my choices aren't yours and vica versa. My bike is 2008 DL650 Suzuki and my gun is a 25-35 Encore....
Com'on Eskimo,put a Harley sticker on it,and lets go riding. ;D ;D ;D Have you had a chance to shoot the 357 Herret rifle yet? Digger
That's a nice deer.
Yea the herrett is a beast out of a 16.5" barrel. I have a pistol scope mounted on it scout style and have youth stocks on it to make the package compact.
I even think a Harley sticker would come off on the roads I ride on...gravel, dirt, and mud.
Hughes County Oklahoma 3 1/2 year old buck
The rack on the deer is awesome. It looks like the main beam on the left side took a left turn and grew straight up instead of forward. Am I seeing that correctly? I'd be getting that one mounted.
He is the same on both sides, its just the pic. He rough scored in the low 130's. Now this buck was a freak.....killed 40 yards from where I killed this one 2 years ago.
I don't know how I missed this post Esk! :-\
Nice rifle, nice deer, nice cat, ... fast bike? ;)
Nice deer and bike.
How big was that cat? Looks like a big un next to that tree trunk.
The cat weighed 28 pounds which makes it my biggest. I have killed a couple of 27's.
The bike is plenty fast and handles all surfaces dirt, gravel, and pavement equally well. I like the two lanes....on black friday I drove 135 miles one way just to eat fried chicken for lunch in Eischen's Bar in Okarche, Oklahoma. Only bike people understand that sort of lunch arrangement.
Like the rifle do you load your ammo 25-35 ain't in the WalMart sporting goods. Real nice cat and great buck. A big hell yea on Eischiens, best chicken and coldest beer in the state. It's a haul from Ada to Okarche also but we do it .
I live in Calvin. It is a long ways from here to Okarche but worth it. My dad trumped me this morning with his deer from my stand. I hardly have any guns that Walmart can help with on ammo...9.3x74r, 416 rigby, 22 jet, 357 herrett, 38-55, 350 Rem Mag, 222 rem, 17 Rem, 25-20, 375 win, 6x223, etc....
Nice buck my dad has seen a few but no winners yet. We hunt 12 miles south and back east of Calvin by Non. rigth in your back yard almost. Road hunters got a real nice buck off our place last week and left us a headless carcass.