Graybeard Outdoors (GBO Reloaded)

Hunting and Trapping Forums => Hog/Wild Boar Hunting => Topic started by: Thunderball on January 17, 2003, 05:31:52 AM

Title: Factory 44Mag ammo / Marlin lever gun
Post by: Thunderball on January 17, 2003, 05:31:52 AM
I plan on hunting some piggies in west central Alabama with my brand spanking new Marlin 1894 with a 20 inch barrel and a 1 in 18 twist rate.  What do you recommend for ammo??  I will be shooting up close and personal.  None of those long shots.

 :oops: It is 1 in 38
Title: Factory 44Mag ammo / Marlin lever gun
Post by: Advocate on January 17, 2003, 06:08:00 AM
Marlin catalogs this with a 1 in 38" twist. How did you get one with an 18" twist?
Title: Factory 44Mag ammo / Marlin lever gun
Post by: Thunderball on January 17, 2003, 06:27:09 AM

You are correct sir!  I had a mental slip.
Title: Factory 44Mag ammo / Marlin lever gun
Post by: Graybeard on January 17, 2003, 09:21:56 AM
If it were me I'd use a 400 grain bullet. Hard cast if you cast or can buy them. If not one of the big name JSPs. I think Remington factory loads it if you aren't a reloader.

Title: Factory 44Mag ammo / Marlin lever gun
Post by: Thunderball on January 17, 2003, 09:37:47 AM
I think Federal makes a 300 grain.  I never heard of 400 grain .44mag bullets?
Title: Factory 44Mag ammo / Marlin lever gun
Post by: Graybeard on January 17, 2003, 10:05:20 AM
Whoops :oops:

He say .44 Magnum and I had .45-70 in mah thick head. Sorry bout that. Oh well I'm gonna blame it on CRS. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  :eek:

I still would use hard cast if available to you. BUT in .44 Mag. use 300 grain. In factory ammo RP makes a 275 grain CL I've heard is good. I've used the Hornady 300 XTP.

Title: Factory 44Mag ammo / Marlin lever gun
Post by: IronKnees on January 19, 2003, 12:14:45 PM
Dang it GB!!!  Ya' said what I was going to... My 1895 is .45-70, but you have a great hog gun there. My vote would be for either a factory load using a heavy jacketed flat point hunting bullet, or a handload using a Nosler, Sierra, or Barnes offering... I've just loaded some 300 grain Barnes X flat point bullets in .45-70 for an upcoming boar hunt... Loaded them to 1550 fps because of close range hunting...