Hello Shortgun,
Internet expert and armchair quarterback, hmmmm, if thats the worst thing I get called today it will be a personal victory and a good day! :grin: Just a point of information, there are many folks, myself included, that have done well in life, have retired from business, and choose to frequent the internet because we like to. I know J.D. Jones says publicly (and that he also told you) that if a person was an expert and really knew something, he/she would be in business making money from all their knowledge. J.D. is an acknowledged capitalist and I applaud him for his continued success, but since I have not needed the money or the aggravation of business, I now do what I choose to (since I have complete dominion over my life) and like to involve myself with things of interest, like hunting, shooting, reloading, learning new things, talking to and with others, etc. My personal view is the complete opposite of J.D. Jones view, I say that I have won the game of life because I was successful and made my money at a VERY early age, definitely through very hard and stressful work, so now I can enjoy doing whatever it is I want to for the rest of my life including learning new and useful things every day! There are those who, due to personal jealousy, begrudge me my status in life but I will not apologize for my hard-earned success, I earned it and Im going to enjoy it! I take personal issue with and dispute the fact that if someone is not working, they are not relevant to a certain pursuit. A wise and thoughtful man might want to consider that there are those who very likely have forgotten more than he will ever know about certain things in life.
I'm glad you took the time to call SSK to ask about the 225 Winchester in the Contender and to talk to J.D. Jones about it thanks for taking my advice to do so. J.D. knows Contenders as well as anyone alive in my opinion and please note that he DOES validate exactly what I said about the 225 Winchester in the Contender.
I mentioned previously that the 225 Winchester is unsuitable for the Contender and please note that I also mentioned in particular FACTORY LOADING which definitely is too much pressure for the Contender (you said yourself that you had not used factory loads my advice is to continue that practice). Although you indicated that J.D. Jones thought you could go higher on your personal handloads for the 225 Winchester, I would doubt very much that J.D. Jones advised you to shoot factory loads in your Contender or that he advised using loads that even remotely approached the pressures of factory loads. Im also hoping for the sake of others that you may be shooting near, that youre not in any way approaching factory load pressure levels PLEASE, IF YOU ARE DOING THAT, PARTICULARLY FOR THE SAKE OF OTHERS, DO IT BY YOURSELF WHERE YOU WONT TAKE A CHANCE OF INJURING SOMEONE ELSE! Im also very curious who it was who chambered your Contender barrel for the 225 Winchester? Could you please let me know? Im also curious what their advice was to you both on Handloading for your barrel and also on using factory ammunition which generates very high pressure. Significant legal and liability issues being what they are today (and you can take this to the bank of your choice I understand legal and liability issues VERY, VERY well), it is my opinion that most folks in a position of shooting industry responsibility, to include highly experienced custom houses like Bullberry and Virgin Valley Custom Guns, will not chamber the 225 Winchester in the Contender because of the extreme risk of a factory load being used by someone which could cause a deadly result. I will agree with you, and again please note what I have said above regarding loaded down 225 Winchester cartridges, that a handloaded 225 Winchester which has been loaded to significantly LOWER levels than the factory version COULD (note that this does not mean SHOULD) be used in a Contender, but for the general population, I maintain that it is not a good idea because there are many, many shooters who simply do not understand the cartridge pressure/backthrust equation and/or will not take good advice to keep themselves safe. Factory load pressure levels or anything even close to them (delineated by SAAMI specifications) whether from actual factory-loaded ammunition or from handloaded ammunition should ALWAYS be avoided when using the 225 Winchester in a Thompson Center Contender.
It is well known that many cartridges can be loaded down to reduced performance levels, including the 225 Winchester, but there is a significant risk involved with doing so. Certainly there are knowledgeable individuals as well as some not-so-knowledgeable individuals who will push the safety envelope for one reason or another, ignorance being one of them, with sometimes tragic results. Is it worth the risk to loose a finger, hand, eye, or your life? Is it worth the risk to expose yourself to a high level of liability risk if you injure someone else? I dont really think so, and I also think that it is irresponsible to promote that type of risk to those who are much better served by remaining within a well-defined and reasonable safety envelope. Im sure it will be said that by staying within the safety envelope that we, as responsible folks are less than REAL men, but I would never want to think that advice I gave to someone regarding safety was that of ignoring it that to me, would be tragic.
It is certainly possible to take the comments of experts out of context (you can always hear what you want to hear) as it appears you have done with J.D. Jones to bolster your position versus my position this is not surprising and is a questionable tactic that is used by some to promote their views. I certainly have no quarrel with you having, loading for, shooting and enjoying your 225 Winchester Contender it is your right to do so and I will whole-heartedly support that right. Although. . .I implore you to do the right thing, if not for yourself, at least for others around you including your family DONT TAKE NEEDLESS SHOOTING RISKS! If you are shooting a cartridge that is may be producing too much pressure, specifically the 225 Winchester in a Thompson Center Contender with factory loads or handloads that are too hot, please do it by yourself! If you are a highly-knowledgeable handloading expert and have the skills and tools to know exactly what you are doing with absolute certainty and are willing to take responsibility for yourself and your actions, please feel free to act accordingly and know that you have my full support as long as you take the appropriate responsibility and dont do it anywhere near me or those I care about. Know that none of us, including me, want to read in the newspaper about you, one of your friends, or one of your family having had a terrible accident because you were shooting a cartridge that had more pressure than a Contender could withstand AND YOU DIDNT REALLY REALIZE IT AT THE TIME! Be safe, my friend, we dont want to have anyone get hurt here! Id much rather have you complain about what I say, than to have you complain about what I DIDNT say!
Good and SAFE shooting to you.