I am glad this video was posted here. Like was mentioned in the video, hunters remaining silent on the issue of high fence hunting just makes the anti-hunting crowd paint us all with the same brush. I myself even detest that a forum like this (which is very good in so many ways) would have a forum specific to exotic game hunting and ranching behind fences. I posted a negative comment there just last week and it was quickly deleted. They don't seem to like anyone challenging their way of "hunting" I guess. It is also quite disturbing to read how some of the people there seem so proud of these kills with links to photos of all the animals they slayed at game ranches. One guy defends himself by saying that hunting behind a fence is LITTLE different than the guy who hunts a food plot or any area where there is a high concentration of game. To him those hunts are just as easy. Maybe they are easIER than other hunts in other locations, but the animals weren't brought in from other locations in cages or whatever and are NOT held captive in an any kind of enclosure like animals in a game farm! To me a hunter shooting a free ranging skinny doe, or the scrawniest of bucks is MUCH more worthy of being called a HUNTER than the guy shooting the biggest racked animal in ANY game farm! Yes, maybe there are some big ranches where you never see a fence, but the facts are that the animals ARE in an enclosure. You can be sure that if the ranch is selling hunts for thousands upon thousands of dollars they will be doing their darndest NOT to let these animals escape. If they can't escape, it is NOT hunting and the animal is NOT a wild animal. They are simply shooting an animal and certainly NOT hunting. I have observed that many hunters want to keep hush on many issues and let others hunt anyway they want. I don't totally disagree with this, but when it comes to hunting in enclosures I just can't stand to be silent. This will ruin the reputation of ALL hunting and hunters, and the word "HUNTING" should not be used for such activities.