Author Topic: For those who still want an LBT mold...  (Read 760 times)

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Offline HHI 812

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For those who still want an LBT mold...
« on: April 08, 2003, 10:11:01 AM »
Veral told me to officially let you know he is going to start making molds. I got him to get online, and an e-mail, and so he will be working on that as soon as he can. In the mean time, will try and send out some info. For those who still have his old brochures, they will be basically the same, but he will be doing only pistol bullets for now. Prices for a double cavity will be $85, and a 4 cavity at $125. You can mail in your order, and help him out on shipping. Please mail orders or questions to him, and please do not call on phone. Hopefully he gets hooked online soon. He said he is not real smart on the computer, but has a computer. I'll scan his old brochure for now, until he has his updated one. He will be sticking to his standard configurations as far as LFN, WFN, WLN etc. Again, please mail in your questions and orders only. Don't want to take his machine time with phone calls. He was considering creating a web site, but being that he is having to start from scratch, will have to be at a later time. I asked him to get hooked up with Paypal, to speed some things up, and he definitely doesn't want to do credit cards. So spread the word! Thanks, Dennis

Offline Duffy

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For those who still want an LBT mold...
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2003, 07:35:17 PM »


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« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2003, 04:11:52 PM »
When you get that brochure scanned, would you send it to me?
