Author Topic: The fight in MN and ME  (Read 434 times)

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The fight in MN and ME
« on: December 02, 2006, 04:52:43 AM »
I posted the following on many outdoors forums in Oct.
I received very few responses and  find it hard to believe that as many people who viewed it did not care.

There are small updates, which are listed in the MN portion of the reports in the recent issues of T&PC mag.

Also, if you have specific questions, go to;f=1;t=018290
We, as the outdoors community need any help anyone can give.

If you can help, even just a little, please do so.

Here is the original post I made, please take it to heart that we are in the fight of our lives and need to to prevail in this or trapping, bow hunting, and many other outdoor pursuits are in grave peril.

As we all know, a bunch of AR weirdoes have filed suit in federal court to attempt to stop trapping in MN.

Their basis for this lawsuit is that they claim that trappers have and/or may catch endangered species. The Canada Lynx, the Bald Eagle, and the Wolf are all included in these suits as the target species. We all know how willing the antis are to exploit single occurrences and attempt to snowball them into a fundraiser for their own pockets.

At this time, I know of one lynx, which was caught in a trap, and it was released unharmed. I do not know of any eagles being caught and the wolf issue is moot because of the incredible comeback they have experienced.

There have been a number of these species, which have been killed by various means. These means include, natural causes, road kill(the biggest factor), train kills, and other predators.

This suit basically boils down to the fact that they want to start with the trappers in MN, and move to the other states with their suits. If they were to be successful, the hounds men, bow hunters, duck hunters and other outdoors pursuits will be soon on the chopping block. We have to join together and defeat them.

But we need help.

We need the support of all of the outdoor groups, not just in MN, but also all over the country.

The MTA needs financial support and we need it bad.

It is going to cost much more than you would think, even though we are not defendants in the suit.

It could go as high as $50,000. I hope this is a high figure, but everyone knows how willing the AR whackos are to throw money around.

If anyone wants to help us beat this, they can send donations to

Rich Raeker
36253 Roanoke Lane
Melrose MN

Make sure the checks have MTA Legal Defense fund in the memo area.
Otherwise, please note that it is for the defense fund in any other way you see fit.

Here is a report by the president of the MN trappers Association, Gary Meis. I honestly think he is a little embarrassed to have to ask for help. I feel he is entitled to ask.

Greetings to all MTA members as well as others who read my reports.   I wish to inform everyone that I’m sending the same report into the Trapper and Predator Caller that I send into the MTA Newsletter.  My reasoning behind this is, I have some important information on the lawsuit that has been filed by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and Help Our Wolves Live (HOWL) that could end trapping as we know it in Minnesota.  I do not want to risk accidentally omitting anything in one of the reports so by sending the same report to both magazines I will avoid that.  I know that there are many trappers across the country monitoring this lawsuit and I feel an obligation to keep all of you informed.  There is so much we are doing and planning that I just cannot disclose in open because of the enemy who monitors us.  Please trust me that we have a game plan and are going forward with it to fight for our future rights to trap.

   I can inform you that on August 28th the MTA will officially file the paperwork to be an intervening party in this lawsuit.   Our attorney has informed me that we hope to have the Judge hear our plea to intervene on the case around mid September.  We hope to have the Judge’s decision by the end of September or early October.  Intervening along with the MTA will be myself as the President of the MTA, Cory Van Driel and Todd Roggenkamp as Minnesota trappers affected y the lawsuit, the United States Sportsman’s Alliance and the Fur Takers of America.  We are hoping for other important organizations to intervene as well and I will inform you if this happens.  If the Judge grants us the right to intervene we will be a full party in the lawsuit along with the DNR.  Remember, as I informed you in the past, the lawsuit is being filed against the DNR not the MTA.  By being a party to the lawsuit we will be informed of all decisions and happenings, we will have the privilege of working with the DNR on strategy decisions, and most importantly we will have a say in what happens.  I want everyone to fully understand that the Minnesota DNR is our greatest friend in this lawsuit.  For those of you who attended the general membership meeting at the MTA convention you heard Mike Don Carlos say that the DNR will be fighting this lawsuit all the way.  As far as this President is concerned we drew a royal flush when the DNR gave this lawsuit to Mike Don Carlos to handle.  Mike Don Carlos is one of the most trusted people I have ever met and his word is gold.  Mike will take no back seat to anyone and will fight with all his might to protect our future to trap. 

   Speaking of the DNR, I can tell you that they are working with HSUS and HOWL on getting the case scheduled for court.  On September 13th there will be a conference phone call with all parties to begin scheduling hearing dates.  It is crunch time folks.  This is no longer a threat or scare tactic.  It is going to happen.  The enemy has chosen to take on about the hugest state in the fur industry.  I’m afraid if Minnesota falls it will be a domino effect across the country.  I will promise you that we will fight this animal rights issue with all of our being.  We will leave no stone unturned.  We fully understand the trapping community has its’ eyes on this lawsuit and I ask you to please trust us that we have game plans and every intention to fight to the end.  I in no way wish to scare anyone, I just do not want to sugar coat this lawsuit or blow it off as being nothing important.  Honesty is what you expect from the MTA and honesty and me is what you will get. 

    I have received calls and e-mails from MTA members as well as concerned trappers across the country asking what they can do to help us in this fight.  About the best question I have heard was from the gentleman at the general membership meeting who asked if contacting their State Representative would help.  The answer was “no”.   The reason the answer was no is because this is a Federal lawsuit that will be heard in Federal Court not State court.  Our elected state officials can’t help in this case.  Besides, there are a whole lot of Senators and Representatives who are opposed to trapping and we don’t care to have their opinions heard.

   I have received offers from MTA members as well as concerned trappers across the country that have offered financial support in this fight.  I have politely denied all financial help because until now we have had no legal fees.  I will inform you that we now have legal fees.  Any person or organization that wishes to help us defray our legal expenses may send in any stipend you can afford to my home address.  All checks should be made out to the Minnesota Trappers Association and please put down Legal Defense Fund in the memo column.  The MTA secretary treasurer will keep all donations in a separate fund and 100% of donated money will be used in this lawsuit only.  I will personally keep track of all donors and will try to publish all names in the future.  The MTA has a rich history of helping other states when trouble has come to them.  Never in the history of the MTA have we asked anyone for a penny.  Now it is our turn to ask for your help.
  Please consider.
Gary Meis
