I have had six inline muzzle loaders. Three blued and three stainless. I do think the blued are more accurate and load much easier on a follow up shot. They also hold accuracy for several shots with out swabbing the barrel. I have a new pro hunter and love it ,it will shoot a magnum load better than the other rifles I have owned and will group well out to 200 yrds but compairing 50 to 100 yrd shots the cheep blued guns hold right with it and do not have to swabbed after every shot. What gives? Is a blued barrel slicker on the inside,causing less fouling or is the stainless more grabbier and adhear fouling more. I use TC bore conditioning patches but is there something else better to coat or condition the barrel . I have thought of using JB bore paste to polish the barrel but have not tried it. also what if you bued the inside of the barrel to "slicken " it up