I have no choice but to blow air into the hot water heater at hope it will blow the lines out,I would not have this problem if th double wide had copper or pvc lines,this new pex plastic lines are a pain in the butt,the tool to crimp the pex lines run over a $120.00 bucks.
My idea was to empty the hot water tank first,then close the drain on the hot water tank,then open all facuets then open the ball value and pump air into the tank: I don't think I can damage the hot water heater as long as there is a build up of air that will feed threw the lines.???I did purchase the T and the ball value think cost was $6.00 bucks better then $120.00 plus for the special crimping tool.I think it may take a little time to bleed the ysytem only reason the air will have to fill the tank and then travel threw the water lines,I think it will work.