I use a fanny pack. Not very fashionable, but you can get them for a song now vs. back when they were popular. Line them with a gallon-size ziplock to keep odors in. I keep several totes in trunk of my little car for all of my trapping equipment, etc. and for catches. Take it all out every night to keep the car smelling sort of clean. I line the trunk with a cheap tarp also.
As for the inside of my car, I use a lot of hand cleaner, unscented baby wipes, etc. and that seems to help. I wash my hands in every pond or stream I come across, too. Wipe down the trowel once and awhile, too.
I'm not big on being to squeaky clean with unnatural scents while predator trapping, but I get away with it here in the heavily populated farm areas where I trap. Baby wipe scents on your hands may not work in more remote areas where the coyotes are a little more in-tune with the odd odors like this. The creatures here though have encountered just about every piece of garbage, human scent, foot print, spent cartridge, machinery fluids, you name it they probably have experienced it in their lifetime...and I wager that most of the time the harmless piece of garbage never hurt them so they probably don't have much in way of negative reaction to such odors. I just go with what they are used to, I guess. My wife is a neat-freak and is not big on germs and smelly animal odors coming home with me. I do my best to keep her happy, and she lets me do what I want to which keeps me happy. If it means taking out a sanitizing wipe and scrubbing down my hands, the steering wheel, etc. from time to time during season, well, who am I to not honor her requests.