Author Topic: Did MORE than my share to help our hunting family grow  (Read 405 times)

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Offline hardertr

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Did MORE than my share to help our hunting family grow
« on: November 12, 2006, 09:12:20 AM »
I took 2 guys out on a hunt yesterday evening.  Neither of them had ever shot a deer before, but couldn't stand not being a part of the "in crowd" around the office.  All they wanted to do was "kill a deer."

THAT attitude really irritates I made sure they felt like they had to EARN the right to be "hunters".

I brought them to the house yesterday morning, and let them choose a gun from my collection that would be "theirs for the day."  Fortunately, they new a LITTLE about guns, I just had to explain why I had so many "deer rifles" and the purpose for each.

Then I took them out and made them shoot the gun and actually feel comfortable with it.  When "we" were satisfied, I walked them around the lease so they would be familiar with the area.  I already knew where I would put them, and there was NO CHANCE for an accident!

All three of us were sitting in the woodline of a 75 acre field, about 300 yards apart.  I knew where the deer would come from, and made sure they understood "shooting lanes".

I missed calling the time the deer would enter the field by 6 MINUTES  ::)  and they came out exactly where I expected them too.  A young doe ran out, with a cull buck hot on her trail.  When they got about 100 yards out into the field, my new hunting buddies shot together, as if they had planned this ambush for days.  Two shots, two deer down.

THIS is where my patience came in handy....  We get up to the deer, and I realize neither one of them have a CLUE as to what to do.  So, I pull the buck aside, and started a "do as I do" class.  It wasn't perfect, but they field dressed their first deer together.  Luckily, we finished just before dark.

I made the mistake of telling them I knew how to "process" my own deer.  6 hours later, and with the same "do as I do" approach, we had two deer on their way to the freezer.

When my head FINALLY hit the pillow at 4 AM....I was exhausted, but positive they have taken something away from this experience that will stay with them forever.  Now they realize "killing" is a VERY SMALL part of this addiction many of us have.
The problem with troubleshooting is....sometimes it shoots back!

Offline Jal5

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Re: Did MORE than my share to help our hunting family grow
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2006, 01:15:37 PM »
Congrats on your long day!  I hope those guys realize how lucky they are to have a friend like you that really prepared them for the hunt and taught them all day long!

did you get one yourself?

S. G. G. = Sons of the Greatest Generation. Too old to run, too proud to hide; we will stand our ground and take as many as we can with us

Offline hardertr

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Re: Did MORE than my share to help our hunting family grow
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2006, 02:10:35 PM »
No, I didn't get one.  I've been out 5 or 6 times this season, and other than SHEEP, I've only seen a couple of young bucks and a few doe.  I did see a nice 8 or 9 point the other day, but  I wasn't able to get a shot on him before he snuck back in the woodline.

My wife and I are moving to Ft. Bragg the end of January, so I am waiting for a NICE one.  I'm hoping for something big enough for a shoulder mount (I don't have a "trophy" in my home yet).  I think I'm out there more for the hunt than the meat.  It's nice going out and just watching deer.
The problem with troubleshooting is....sometimes it shoots back!

Offline HuntingGuy

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Re: Did MORE than my share to help our hunting family grow
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2006, 02:41:44 PM »
I love hearing stories like this.  Who knows, they may have enjoyed it so much to buy a plot of hunting land that you may be able to one day hunt and harvest your "trophy".  Usually good things happen to you just as you did for someone else. 
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"You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy"