Author Topic: Had fun with the .454 this weekend...  (Read 543 times)

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Offline Selmer

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Had fun with the .454 this weekend...
« on: November 27, 2006, 09:22:03 AM »
I hit the range with my brother-in-law and my wife's uncle.  They were both shooting .22-250's, I was checking my .454 12" pistol barrel on my Encore in preparation for deer hunting in a couple weeks.  I managed to out shoot them on oil bottles at 100 yds. from a sitting position with my .454 and I even popped off a gallon milk jug at 225 yds from the bench.  I'd like to know the drop on my load at that range, it hits dead on at 100 yds sub-MOA (and out-grouped their .22-250's) and I'm figuring around 20-22 inches low at 225 yds.  It's a 320 gr. cast LFNGC running out of the muzzle at 1650 fps.  If anyone wants to put that in a ballistic calculator I'd appreciate it.  I shot a group with it at 225 from the bench at kept it at around 4 inches with a 4x Leupold.  Anyway, for those that doubt, it can be done!
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Re: Had fun with the .454 this weekend...
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 03:10:08 PM »
I don't have that exact bullet in my data base, but a 325 gr bulet @ 1650 and zeroed @ 100yd drops 23.95 inches according to RCBS Load. Your estimate sounds spot on.
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Offline Redhawk1

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Re: Had fun with the .454 this weekend...
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2006, 01:37:40 AM »
I hit the range with my brother-in-law and my wife's uncle.  They were both shooting .22-250's, I was checking my .454 12" pistol barrel on my Encore in preparation for deer hunting in a couple weeks.  I managed to out shoot them on oil bottles at 100 yds. from a sitting position with my .454 and I even popped off a gallon milk jug at 225 yds from the bench.  I'd like to know the drop on my load at that range, it hits dead on at 100 yds sub-MOA (and out-grouped their .22-250's) and I'm figuring around 20-22 inches low at 225 yds.  It's a 320 gr. cast LFNGC running out of the muzzle at 1650 fps.  If anyone wants to put that in a ballistic calculator I'd appreciate it.  I shot a group with it at 225 from the bench at kept it at around 4 inches with a 4x Leupold.  Anyway, for those that doubt, it can be done!

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Offline Selmer

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Re: Had fun with the .454 this weekend...
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2006, 10:48:37 AM »
Thanks Redhawk1, that's handy, although I don't know the BC of the bullet...the estimate was close, as was the time of flight.  It was really fun because the target back was fiberboard, and you could hear a very distinctive impact about .5 sec. after I touched off, it was a little addictive to shoot at that range with a pistol round and still hit what I was aiming at.  I'd never shoot at game at that range unless I had an absolutely solid rest (so VERY unlikely) and a range finder, but the energy it still carries would be plenty to kill a deer.  My max range from a modified Creedmoor position is 150yds, I have no trouble keeping them in a 1 gal milk jug from that position at that range, and 100 yds. with oil bottles.  The trick is getting a deer to stand still while I get into that position, or find a good rest.  I've had good luck so far with tree-facing stands that allow me to use the tree trunk as a side rest.
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