A dealer close to me has a used remington 870 on sale for $135, when I say used, I mean got the living you know what beat out of it. Lots of bluing gone, scratches, stocks a mess. I am thinking of buying it for a project gun, which would turn into a keep in the hunting cabin gun. Now I've looked at all of the processes of blueing and parkerizing and such, and don't like big pains in the butt. I'm really thinking about just stripping all the old bluing off, keep it natural metal, and keep it very oiled. Really it's just going to sit in a cabin with some slugs next to it for "just in case."
I was going to take it all apart, sand, strip, de burr, all that good stuff, and refinish the stock with a nice waterproof seal.
As long as I make sure to keep it oiled and dry, I didnt forsee any problems, anything you fellas can think of?