King George's true colors are soon to be shown. Let's hope he does what the people want.
Well, we all know what makes him tick, but single-issue voters do not make up the majority. The one thing that annoys me is that the lefties think that we've suddenly abandoned our principles. I'm the same person I was on November 6th, and so are all of you, I'm sure. Unfortunately, the "bitter republican" is going to be the lens through which the remaining years will be viewed, when in fact, there was a lot of dissatisfaction. In retrospect, it was almost comical to think that things would remain the same when Congress' approval was below 30% for the last year. I guess if the American people are going to "fire" Congress, they have to start somewhere.
But back to Bush: The media is preparing to distort the facts in order to create sensational news. They are already predicting that Bush will take the blame for the loss, when the complaints are the same ones I've been reading here since I signed up. Bush has already dropped a few bombs, some before the election:
* I'm sure everyone's heard about Bush's complete turn-around when asked about Rumsfeld. Being an honest guy, he managed to accidentally tell the truth when called on it. Then to make matters worse, he tried to back-pedal, and made an excuse that didn't even make sense. He pulled "a Kerry".
* Bush was on last Friday's Limbaugh show, where he revealed this gem:
"One great opportunity for China, Rush, is to encourage China to develop a society in which there are savers. In other words, a society in which there's a pension plan. Let me rephrase that: a society in which there's consumer because now there's a society of too many savers. The reason they're saving so much money is because there's not a pension plan or a legitimate healthcare system. The people horde the money they have in anticipating there's going to be a bad day. If we can encourage China to be a country of consumers, you can imagine what it would mean for US producers and manufacturers to have access to that market."So Bush thinks it's a good idea to push for consumerism in a society that is still largely poor and without opportunity to change classes or increase wealth? Kind of makes you wonder what he has in store for Americans. This puts a whole new spin on the Social Security debates. I was horrified when I heard this. It's basically an admission that Bush would rather eliminate personal savings and let the government take up the slack with expensive social programs. Perhaps these are his true colors?
The reason why the majority of manufacturing workers in China do not have all the benefits of their socialized system is because they are largely taken from the peasant farmer class, and benefits are not granted to this class. These are not classes like those the leftists on our own soil create by tossing around labels, the Chinese are divided into classes depending on their ancestry and other factors that the CCP determines, and it is enforced by law and "re-education" camps. You can go down, but you can't go up.
* In Bush's speech on the day after, he drops this bomb in a discussion about Rummy's resignation:
"[Rumsfeld understands] Iraq is not working well enough, uh, fast enough..." So we have to wait until after a national election to take action on it?
* I don't even want to delve into the majority of what Bush said about entitlement programs, but the short story is that he is promising to introduce lots of new spending at the federal level with the new Congress. Ugh.
* I'm sure you're all aware of Bush's comments when asked about the possibility of granting amnesty to illegal aliens with the cooperation of the new Congress. Then he has the audicity to say that there has been improvement in cutting down the flow of illegal immigrants when he knows damn well that the majority of it was done by private citizens acting on their own, and that the federal government did their best to discourage and disperse those citizens.