Author Topic: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs  (Read 3115 times)

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Offline oso45-70

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #30 on: January 30, 2007, 03:16:11 PM »

It seems to me that if you chase a deer till he drops the meat won't be worth much taste wise. I have never done it nor will i ever do it. Do not want to come off like an animal rights person, Its just a different way of hunting. I like to catch a deer in his bed and put him to sleep right where he lays. I will not shoot any deer that has been jumped up by some one and is on the run. We don't have doe season in NM except in an area where they have over populated and i never hunt that season. I know in the south and east they have to control the deer population but, In this area where we are the predators take care of the thinning out of deer. We have quite a few Mt. Lions and Coyotes and bear, Of course the bear only picks up on crippled deer. Plus the wild dogs are a problem, And after a year or two in the wild the dogs are a real threat to all the game animals. Back to the real point of this thread, To each his own way of hunting, Dogs Is not for me.......Joe..........

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Offline Smoke-em

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2007, 04:34:47 AM »
Here in Virginia it is legal only during the gun season.  Not the archery or black powder seasons.  However I have more dogs running deer in front of me during those two seasons then in the legal season.  It seems the dog lovers like to tune up there dogs they do it on my land and mess up my archery hunting, and not do it on the land they are going to hunt later in the season.   God forbid they should mess up their season.
I could care less if a man decides he likes to hunt deer that way....but why does he have to mess me up.  BTW, once the dogs start running, the deer become nocturnal.  That sure helps me with a bow!

Let me tell you a short story!  I was hunting on the edge of a marsh, a real nice 8 point stepped into the marsh with the intent to cross over.  I grunted to him and he kept turning back toward me.  He finally stopped at 45 yards(to far to shoot with a bow), and then laid down right there in front of me.  He was laying right there in plain site.  I figured eventually he would get back up and I might get a shot.  After about a half hour of just him and me in the marsh, I hear a beagle running a deer, mind you this is early in the bow season,  and he keeps getting closer and closer.  Finally the deer he is chasing busts into the marsh and runs right into the buck.  Of course that makes the buck leave the county.   The possible shot is history, the little beagle keeps running the little deer, which by the way was almost as big as the dog.

Those wonderful dog hunters!

Offline schunter1128

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2007, 04:47:46 AM »
My thoughts on dog hunting are the same as baiting. I prefer neither.

Offline beemanbeme

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2007, 08:15:42 AM »
Smoke em, what makes you thing that the beagle belonged to a "dog Hunter"??  Why couldn't he have belonged to some urban transplant that doesn't know how to take care of his dog?? When I kept a pack of rabbit beagles, they were too valuable to let run loose. Why couldn't the beagle have been a very small PETA person in a dog suit?  Or maybe a specially trained beagle that was sent there just to screw up your hunt?
 I've heard the same complaint about 4 wheelers and boy scout troops and lovers wanting to do it in the woods so the fact remains that if you don't own the land, other folks that want to interact with nature are a fact of life that you have to deal with. And I guess their dogs too. 
 If the beagle had moved the big deer toward you would you have shot the deer?  (you don't have to answer that)  Why didn't you shoot the dog?

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #34 on: April 29, 2007, 06:02:03 AM »
I hunt public land and know I share that land with everybody and their brother. I've had deer hunts ruined by hikers, mountain bikers and guys running dogs. That's why hunting public land stinks sometimes, never know what you're gonna run into.
It's one thing for someone to be hunting with their dogs, but to just be running them for exercise during deer season is kind of frustrating after putting in time scouting and setting up a good place to hunt. I don't like it but have to accept it though since I'm on public land.
If a guy wants to hunt with dogs on his own land though, that's his business. I do know there's nothing better than hunting rabbits with a good beagle.

Offline nickE10mm

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2007, 11:20:54 AM »
I have never done it, and will NEVER do it.  I can see hunting rabbits and birds with dogs but never deer.  Still, if you are on you own land and legal in your area, more power to you.  I'm with Graybeard on this one.  I don't like it at all but I don't want a LAW against it.  I prefer deer hunting to be a one on one deal (or even several people).  Sounds like a good way to put a dog in danger.  We put hunter orange collars on our chocolate labs during deer season just in case they sneak out of the house.

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2007, 03:05:53 PM »
I grew up in tx huntin deer with dogs and loved it.Now it's outlawed.After sitting in the box stand with my daughter last year about five hunts and listening to her snore from boredom I kinda wish it was still legal cause back then there was never a dull moment.Now this year I've booked a hunt in west tx so she and wifey can shoot a couple of axis does.Hope this helps get them refired on tha huntin thing.I firmly believe the dog huntin back then whether it was coons,squirrels or deer is a big part of the love I have of the woods.I mean takin your compass and hittin the woods and not sittin n watchin a feeder or an oat patch/food plot.But then back then people didn't mind when your dogs came through and they would shoot the deer and not your dog and everyone would split the meat and everyone knew each other and got along.Dang I miss those days and the old timers who are all just about gone.Different breed of people now.
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Offline Brian T

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #37 on: May 19, 2007, 03:44:06 PM »
I concur with Graybeard.  Most dog hunters do not follow the laws or the rules of common courtesy.  They go where ever there dogs run, tear up farm fields and are not safe in their gun handling.  If you are on your own land and shoot a deer they think was run by their dogs they want part of it  I would not mind if it was outlawed completely.

Offline beemanbeme

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2007, 04:20:22 PM »
Gee Brian, I'm almost 70 and I don't even know "MOST DOG HUNTERS".  You must get around.  Especially since you feel qualified to make an ethical judgment on their hunting style. 
And remember this, when you endorse the elimination of one facet of hunting that just isn't your style, don't go whining to the doggers for support when the greenies come for something that you do like. 
I've never hunted deer with dogs but I've hunted rabbits, fox, coyote and a little bit of coons (I'm not too keen on getting an eye poked out blundering around in the woods after dark) and there is nothing like listening to a good pack of hounds work.

Offline Smoke-em

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #39 on: May 30, 2007, 05:39:44 AM »

"Why didn't you shoot the dog? "  My thoughts are that it is not the dogs fault.  He is doing what he is trained t do.  Now if the idiot that owned the dog showed up...then we would have at least had some words.  Especially since "he was on MY land" !  And of course the fact that it is illegal to run dogs in the off season

Offline TribReady

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #40 on: May 30, 2007, 06:29:24 AM »
I've never hunted with dogs and don't have even the slightest desire to hunt deer or any other animal this way.  But I personally find it hard to criticize or condemn a legal hunting method. 
This type of "fight" can really tear hunters apart and fuel the anti's (look at baiting, for example)

There's always going to be irresponsible, reckless, and outright illegal hunters.  I'd hate to generalize and somehow give a bad name to a long standing tradition.  To the legal hunters, I say to each his own.  To the illegal "hunters", it's time to focus our distain on them and get them out
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Offline *ROCK-MAN*

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #41 on: June 02, 2007, 09:31:11 AM »
 I would gladly trade a whole season of my current deer hunting for just one days hunting with my uncle and his pack of black and tans.They are all gone now but they will be sorely missed.
Last year I took 1 axis buck 1 axis doe 1 fallow buck 1 whitetail buck and 1 whitetail doe which I figure was my fair share. But all lumped together the excitement level would not have come close to one good dog hunt.We hunted legally and people would come from many miles away to get the oppurtunity to hunt in front of his dogs.These hunts were done with shotguns and it was close quarters and the faint hearted would not have the sand for it.In all of his hunting days he always made the drive(followed the dogs) and there was never any accidental shootings in fact nothing was ever shot but the deer but these fellows could shoot and most of them grew up in the woods.
I can understand the opinions of those who never tasted what I am describing but I wonder if they ever try to understand mine?
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Offline IL-Cornfed

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #42 on: June 15, 2007, 05:21:24 AM »
Glad to see folks here in full support of a practice that is perfectly legal in many states. As long as it is done on YOUR own property, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Obviously a practice such as running hounds would never work here in the Midwest with tracts of land so small and so much Ag, a dog can't read NO TRESSPASSING so one chase would more than likely take your through several properties. Not an ideal practice in regions where QDM and TDM is taken so seriously.
An archer tries to see how far away he can get from his target and still connect, a "Bowhunter" tries to see how close he can get to his.


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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #43 on: June 15, 2007, 07:29:02 AM »
I have hunted with dogs all my life , at over 50 i feel not only qualified but obligated to to commit on some of the statements above !
dog hunting compared to baiting , get real the dog finds and moves the deer , hunters are placed on stands and wait for a shot not sit over a waiting meal alot of luck goes with dog hunting and baiting is a lead pipe cinch !
as far as dog hunting being ok with other animals and birds , gee the bigotry does come out doesn't it !
so as long as you don't hunt the critter its ok to use dogs or maybe if you use dogs for certain critters its ok we call people like that ONE WAY or snobs  around here !
Lets see , you are correct most dogs can't read posted signs , the good one's know not to bark on posted land !
as far as slob dog hunters go YES there are some , we hate them more than ya'll cause the cause ya'll to see all dog hunters as slobs which we are not ! as an example , our club rents over 5000 acres of land to hunt , our dogs do cross other peoples land , we have little or no trouble with other land owners ! we put on a stew and invite everyone in the aera , we listen to their complaints and work things out , we carry them meat and in general try to be good neighbors , its the right thing to do !
as far as disrupting other hunters , that is a bad thing , it happens but i have also been interrupted on other hunts , it will happen no matter the hunting method , but if someone is on posted land thats a different story
if we know some one is hunting private land we touch base with them and work it out !
Like BEN FRANKLIN said if we don't hang together we will certainly hang alone !
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Offline Rogmatt

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #44 on: June 20, 2007, 03:51:27 AM »
I hate it. It seems the breed of Red Neck who does it down south are the trashiest of white trash.
Not intended to include any of the good folks on this forum.
I know it is a tradition among some folks, but i stay away from them folks & the areas they do it in.
I was hunting on State land WMA a few years ago, and a tribe of them clowns came through the area.
I wanted to whoop every one of them for ruining my son & myselfs hunt.
won't hunt on WMA anymore, have a private lease now.


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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2007, 01:22:40 AM »
Whoop um !
now that's redneck !
thanks for staying away !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline 30-30man

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2007, 04:23:46 PM »
I was born and have lived all my life in South Carolina.  I've traveled all over this country and there is no better place to live than the deep south as far as hunting goes.  I have used dogs to drive deer.  It helps thin the doe population and helps in the general welfare of the herd.  It is dangerous but so is crossing a busy street I guess...  I resent the generalization of a redneck....We that live in the deep South are enjoying a rich tradition of being able to hunt the way we see fit within legal limits. There are fools in any state and I'd bet there are more up North.  Most of my experience up North has been a bad one.    You can have it, what I've seen of it, it's a cess pool compared to any state in the South.   Where I live if you had a flat, you would not be alone no more than 10 minutes without someone pulling over asking if you needed help.( Happened to me last week!) Up North, they will curse you, shoot you the finger, and the polite ones just honk the horn and zoom around you.  We don't have to draw a tag to go hunting either nor are we subjected to gun restrictions that our politicians tell us we can have.  I can hunt over bait if I want, hunt on Sunday if I choose, hunt deer with anything but a .22lr, harvest 5 bucks a day, unlimited does on doe day( There are about 30!),  and can even hunt in shorts as the season opens Aug.15th and long shorts as it closes Jan1.  In fact, most of the South has the longest seasons of any state.  Heck, around here we give deer away; up North they will kill you over one.   We enjoy a freedom most hunters in northern states wished they had. 


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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #47 on: June 22, 2007, 02:25:18 AM »
30/30man , NICE !
i detect a tone of jealousy in their post , do you ?
VA> ain't quite as good as SC> but not to far behind !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline beemanbeme

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #48 on: June 22, 2007, 06:15:21 AM »
Rogmatt, have you thought about golf?  Your post is without a doubt the most bigotted piece of garbage I have seen posted in this room.  Even without knowing you, I think I'd rather spend days and days in a hunting camp with the trashiest of the white trash you distain than fifteen minutes with you. 
Also, you might want to brush up your english skills: "myselfs" ???  Most of the rednecks I know would know that the correct usage would be "my son and my hunt" or better, "our hunt".  Where did you go to school?


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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #49 on: June 22, 2007, 06:30:52 AM »
be a shame to not take mans best friend hunting , ain't that what they claim started the bond between man and dog in the first place ?
not them Yankee lap warmers , but real hunting dogs ! you know the kind , that them white trash rednecks own !
at least we have a dog that earns its keep !
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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #50 on: June 22, 2007, 06:58:18 AM »
Hunting illegal Mexicans with dogs sounds like more fun than hunting deer. ;D

Offline jhm

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #51 on: June 22, 2007, 11:48:07 AM »
Lets KEEP IT CIVIL, forget the name calling and references to one another, I usually let things go for awhile, but when it gets out of hand I know how to STOP IT,   Take the hint!!   and be friendly  JIM

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Re: Thoughts on hunting deer with dogs
« Reply #52 on: June 22, 2007, 12:48:19 PM »
I guess I consider myself a Redneck and do not consider it an insult. Remember hunting is supposed to be fun.
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