Right now I have the 24" ML bbl on mu SB1 frame with synthetic buttstock and forend. Absolutely love it. After the season I plan on sending it in to get a 20ga Tracker II bbl fitted. I think this would be a nice set-up for still hunting in rough, steep areas due to the low weight. I have a couple questions though:
1. Is the dia of the 20ga barrel at the straight chamber area the same as the 20ga USH?
2. If so, will NEF, if you ask them nicely, drill and tap for the scope rail? It would be nice to use the Burris compact 4x in QD rings from the ML bbl.
3. Can I get a synthetic forearm for the 20ga Tracker II bbl?
4. I would expect decent accuracy potential from this bbl since it has thicker walls than the 12ga.
5. Will NEF tune the trigger down to 3.5 from 4.5 lbs?
I appreciate any help or comments from people who may have done this.