Author Topic: Quantity deer management =EAB  (Read 496 times)

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Offline Cheesehead

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Quantity deer management =EAB
« on: November 22, 2006, 05:57:20 AM »
Many private lands I have formally hunted are now off limits for a variety of reasons. There are soooo many deer on these lands and the owners will not let any one but immediate family hunt. These lands are located in the Herd Control areas and the deer numbers are not being reduced. The local DNR has accused these people of Quantity deer management and they are right. I see the "Earn a Buck" program in the near future for these lands.

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Offline jh45gun

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Re: Quantity deer management =EAB
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2006, 02:29:00 PM »
That is a major problem that I think skews the DNR's Numbers until they went on the rampage to kill does which I do agree need thinning in areas it was pretty easy to shoot a deer I like others with multiple tags did it for a long time. I have had several years this being one of them I cou.d not buy a deer (Figure of Speech) I know others that had the same problem. You cannot take trailer loads o does r out of the state and by the locals on publis land and figure it is going to be a gravy train all the tme. They do have to address the private land problems as these deer numbers figure in over all and where you can hunt on public land if there are little deer the area should reflect that area not the whole area where no one can hunt.
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Offline Norseman112

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Re: Quantity deer management =EAB
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2006, 03:32:58 PM »

 Quality deer management and urban sprawl has produced some problems.
Myself I have been in QDM for 10-12 years now. Yes I have gotten some bigger bucks on my land and so did  neighbors on there land. We have also gotten some bigger problems such as
1.Not enough does being taken on some not all private land is now being locked up and if you don't own it or lease you are not hunting. Never used to be that way. I hate to be a twelve year old kid looking for a place to hunt these days.
3. At least were I live it's gotten so bad  neighbors are worried were other neighbors tree stands are. Some are even putting out big piles of corn to keep the deer on there land.
4. Its not about having fun its about the “big rack”  If it doesn't have at least an 18 inch rack nobody wants to look at it. 
5. Then you have urban sprawl. According to the DNR we are losing more and more hunting land due to this.
Oh I was real high on QDM for a long time as did make sense and yes I do have some nice bucks because of it. I do let a couple of friends hunt on my land to and no I don't charge them a fee. QDM has some good points and I think the intentions were well intended, but I feel it has made hunting land much harder to get on unless you have a thick wallet.


Offline jh45gun

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Re: Quantity deer management =EAB
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2006, 08:12:48 PM »
We have lots of County, State and Forest crop land in NW WI and I suppose Northern WI in General. These lands get hunted hard but always held deer. Now with the DNR giving out doe tags like Candy I think that is hurting our herd I know we need doe management but I think you can go too far too. We have lots of MN folks taking truckloads and trailerloads of does back to MN and I do not really think that is fair either at 20 bucks a tag. Not when If I went to hunt over there I would not be afforded those opportunities if any expecially at the WI Cheap prices. I am not making idle chatter here I have found the stripped carcasses of the deer they could not take back to MN a few years ago when MN would not allow WI deer carcasses into the state. Also heard more than one group bragging about it. That kinda bugged me at the time. Still does I do not say that non residents should not be able to kill a doe but they should not get multiple tags as many as they can afford either. Expecially since their state does not allow it for them or non residents.
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Offline steve

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Re: Quantity deer management =EAB
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2006, 02:15:57 AM »
The area where I hunt we were doing that QDM but not so much any more. We are still getting some nice bucks.  We started to notice that we were seeing to many does.  We thinned the doe population and know we are selling a lot more bucks.  We sort of do out own deer mangement.  Take out what is necessary to keep taps on the herd.