Many of you may work in the health care related field and your not going to like this but it is how most patients feel. The problem is the drug manufacturers and the health care workers have been allowed to go unchecked. I know they have huge tuition bills and expenses but so do hair dressers, teachers, and daycare workers. They have to be licensed too. The medical profession has priced itself out of reach so that most Americans can't afford health care even with the help of insurance. That is why so many Americans are leaving other tax payers responsible. The bottom line is that we have allowed physicians, drugs reps and health related services to raise their prices unchecked. My wife does taxes for a local physician who makes $35,000 a month. He is a cardiologist. If that is not price gouging the public, I don't know what is. Many of his patients have to take out 2nd mortages on their homes or declare bankrupcy. Why in America must you take out a 2nd mortage on your home or lose everything if you get sick? I'm not one for government control but I don't see an alternative. Many contries have socialized medicine and it works. I work with a man from India and one of the first things he asked me when he got here was: If America is the greatest nation in the world, why is the medical profession allowed to rape the public? I had no answer for him. Some Americans are even flying out of this country to have operations that they can't afford here. Why is it that drugs are much cheaper in other other countries. The drug reps say it is not the same medication and not the same standards but often it is. They sell cheaper to other countries because of price caps. Politicians are leaving it alone becasue of the intense lobbying done by drug companies. We need a way to take the dollar out of good health care and price caps is the only thing I know to do it. Many people will say, "You fix prices and the health care will dry up to nothing!" Well the government regulates cable tv, electricity, telephone service, sugar, cell phone service, tea, coffe, rail road fares, and even the size of our toliets(1.6gallons)! None of these services stopped or was even hurt except some pocket books. I hate big government but I don't see any other way.