Author Topic: .243 encore scope?  (Read 625 times)

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Offline tennbuck

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.243 encore scope?
« on: January 02, 2007, 11:12:26 AM »
i have a .243 encore 15.5" barrel. i got this pistol for deer hunting. should i go with a 2x or a 4x? i tried a red dot, but it didn't work out. i first had a 2-7x28 weaver, but i just never liked it, to much shake.
I'm not an expert, but i did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. ;D

Offline spinafish

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Re: .243 encore scope?
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2007, 12:56:46 PM »
I'm afraid the shake really doesn't have much to do with the scope!!  ;), but if you have a problem keeping a higher magnification steady..use a lower magnification the shake will still be there..just won't be as evident!
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Offline Redhawk1

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Re: .243 encore scope?
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2007, 02:00:39 PM »
Sounds like you could use a shooting stick, I use them when shooting and hunting,  I use a 2X6X32 Bushnell scope with no problem.

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Offline Davemuzz

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Re: .243 encore scope?
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2007, 02:44:59 PM »

If you really want a steady hold for your Encore handgun, then I would strongly suggest trying the Thompson Handgun Sling.    The sling is 69" long but can be adjusted to any length. You attach it to your handgun using the T\C swivel set, or the Uncle Mikes set

What you do is attach the strap and the the strap (if you are a right hand shooter) will "touch" the left side of your neck, then loop under your right arm. Now, (you will have a EER scope on the gun) when you extend the gun (I use both hands...left on the forend and right on the grip) you will pull the strap against your back tight. This creates a solid hold on the gun.

If you couple this with a Stoney Point shooting stick (as I do), it's as good as a bench shooting rest. I use this method and shoot a 2.5-8X Leupold EER with pacmyer grips on my Contender. A little practice and you wont be complaining about that shake thing anymore. ;D


Offline rickyp

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Re: .243 encore scope?
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2007, 02:56:09 PM »
for hunting I have a T/C 2.5-7 lighted scope and love it,

when hunting I normally keep it on 2.5 or 4 This gives me a good field or view  and doesnt show the shakes as much but If I should need to take a longer shot I just dial up the power to what is needed.
on the higher X you loose Field of view and it showers your shakes more  but you can see wher you need ot hit better.

I used the lighted cross hairs more this year then I have in the past. I turn it on when I get in the stand and turn it down or off as the day light gets better or when it is raining and dark in the woods it helps a lot.

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Re: .243 encore scope?
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2007, 08:43:22 PM »
I would also recommend a variable magnification Handgun Scope. if you are just starting hunting with your Encore you will find the lower magnification of the variable easier to use, and show the shakes less (yes they will still be there but not as noticable and therefore they will not play mind games with you).

I personally like Burris LER Handgun Scopes. I have tried a lot of scopes over the years and always go back to Burris. I think the 2x7x32mm Burris LER Handgun Scope and the 3x12x32mm AO Burris LER Handgun Scopes are two of the best scopes on the market today for Handgunners.

The 2x7x set on 2x has a very generous field of view, and the exit pupil is large enough for even a Handgun Shooting novice can find the field of view in this scope quite easily. Once the handgunner gets accustsomed to using a Handgun Scope the magnification  can be increased accordingly.

As per the .243 Winchester in a Handgun, I personally think it is an excellent choice for the handgunner that wants a single cartridge / handgun for Varminting and use on Whitetail Deer. I have been hunting with a 15" .243 Winchester T/c Encore this past season. January 1st I connected on two White Tail Does with the .243 Encore. I was using a Handload with 80gr. Speer Hot Core Spitzers loaded with H-4895 to a Muzzle Velocity of 2920 FPS. This load consistantly produces 3/4" or slightly less 5 shot groups from the bench at 100 yards.

The first Doe was standing broadside at 200 yards. I placed the crosshairs mid way top to bottom, right behind the front shoulder. At the shot the Doe collapsed without taking a single step. The second Doe was about 250 yards and walking. At the shot I heard the bullet hit and the Doe just kept walking. I could see she was humped up and knew I had hit her too far back. I reloaded and fired again as soon as she stopped (she had probably covered about 40 yards I am guessing after the first shot). I held the crosshairs right behind the front shoulder, mid way top to bottom and again I heard the bullet hit, but again the Doe stayed on her feet, but not for long. After the second shot the Doe walked about 10 steps, stopped behind a tree and stood there for a moment before collapsing. She was stone dead when I got to here. All of this took longer to type it than it actually took to take place.

I also have some 95gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips loaded with H-4350 for this Encore. They shoot about like the 80's and the average muzzle for the 95's is 2707 FPS. I have not tried these on game as yet, largely due to the fact I have the Encore zeroed for the 80's.

Good luck with what ever you choose.

T/C Handguns, one good shot for your moment of truth !

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Re: .243 encore scope?
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2007, 04:57:15 AM »
+1 to Larry's post
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