Author Topic: 30-30 vs 45/70 vs 44mag  (Read 10720 times)

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30-30 vs 45/70 vs 44mag
« on: December 07, 2006, 07:59:34 AM »
Guys I really appreciate all your help with all of my Contender  questions. This is a really ADDICTING GUN! without a doubt! Where could I find ballistics and trajectories for the above calibers? I cannot decide which of the above rounds to choose for my 100yard deer pistol? I've  been researchibg and was going towards the 45/70 with a Hardcast bullet- but the 30/30 sure has a loyal following and with the new Leverlution Hornady ammo- I'm wondering if thats the way to go. But there is just something about a 300+ grain HC bullet-that just says WHUMP! meet on the table!.....

Offline huntswithdogs

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Re: 30-30 vs 45/70 vs 44mag
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2006, 10:31:03 AM »
Got a copy of Hornady's last 2 volume set? The second book is all about ballistics. Find your caliber,bullet weight and velocity. The book lays out bullet arcs depending on what zerro you have.


Offline spinafish

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Re: 30-30 vs 45/70 vs 44mag
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2006, 11:07:43 AM »
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Re: 30-30 vs 45/70 vs 44mag
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2006, 02:37:50 AM »
Or you can aim your web browser over to...

You'll need to know a little about your ammo, but it gives good info.

Take care,
Bob S.

Offline Davemuzz

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Re: 30-30 vs 45/70 vs 44mag
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2006, 12:58:28 PM »

Here is the simple answer to your delima. And the only way YOU will ever find the truth. And after all, isn't that what your looking for?

So, just buy 'em all. Yup. Buy all three barrels. Then get the dies and reload 'em all. Then you can go to the range and test different loads. You can fill up old tide jugs with jello and shoot 45-70 500 grainers at 100 yards and see what happens to 'em. You can do the same with the 30-30.

But, and this is fair warning, you will then read something about the balistics of a cartrige called a 7-30 waters. And then you will find out it's parent case is the 30-30. will realize you have the will buy the dies, the barrel and 7mm bullets....then off to the range again.

Your grass will remain uncut for weeks at a time. Your garbage will pile up. Your neighbors will not like you.

So, what I'm sayin is that part of your life will stay pretty much the same as it has been. ;D

Just buy all three, you won't regret it.


Offline C A Plater

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Re: 30-30 vs 45/70 vs 44mag
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2006, 11:37:44 AM »
My favorite is the .35 Remington in a 14" barrel.  Less punishing on the shooter than .45-70 and even the .44 and plenty potent down range.  Takes jacketed or cast and mine is very accurate out to 100.  Nothing wrong with the others, just more food for thought. 

Offline MnMike

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Re: 30-30 vs 45/70 vs 44mag
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2006, 05:10:48 PM »
For deer out to 125 yds. (my limit, others say 200yds.) the 7-30 needs cosideration. Flatter than any you mentioned. I would guess that even with the factory ammo it would do the job for you. With reloads better yet.

Mike Ellestad

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Re: 30-30 vs 45/70 vs 44mag
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2006, 06:07:32 AM »
Ok, if I had to pick from the 3 choices you listed, I would get the .44 mag.

For deer out to 100 yards, I would buy a 10" bull barrel, mount a red dot or 2X scope on it, shoot 240 - 320 grn bullets, factory ammo or even better load your own - all you'd ever need.

Personally I would put a Pachmyar Gripper grip on it to help w/recoil, plus it's nicer to hold onto during cold weather hunting!!

Best of luck with what ever you buy!
Especially with a Handgun!!

Offline lovedogs

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Re: 30-30 vs 45/70 vs 44mag
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2006, 07:31:21 AM »
I've shot quite a few deer with both the .30-30 and .44 Contenders.  The jacketed .44's seem to shed their jackets and have limited penetration when that happens.  But they still kill the deer.  I prefer my cast 240 gr. lead bullets in the .44 as they really penetrate.  I prefer the Super 14 barrels as they dampen recoil better and give better velocities.  They aren't as loud, either.

The .30-30 is probably the more effective of the two though.  I've had excellent results using either the Hornady 130 gr. Single Shot Pistol or the Nosler 150 gr. Ballistic Tip.  The 150 carries it's energy out farther and it will outpenetrate the 130 gr.  The .44 will kill past 100 yds. but hitting becomes more difficult due to arched trajectory.  The .30-30 will easily shoot 200 yds. if you are capable.  The problem is that bullet expansion gets iffy past 200 yds.  So, the .30-30 is more versatile than the .44.  But the .44 is lots of fun and can use either jacketed or cast bullets better.

I'd base my decision on range considerations and versatility.  I think the Pachmayr Decelerator grip is good advice on either of these two.  I've no experience with the 7-30 but think it's probably a good choice, also.  The .45-70 is one of my favorites in rifles but a bit much in a pistol.  Which one do I use the most?  The Super 14 .44.  I love it.  It's all I need.  Nothing walks off with the half-inch hole all the way through it.  It outpenetrates the .30-30.  And with cast bullets you can eat right up to the hole.  I just love the .44.