All the Henry, 66 Yellowboy and 73 repro rifles, no matter who's name is on it, are made by Uberti. The Navy Arms Schofield and Russian, and many other revolvers are made by Uberti. The 2nd generation Colt cap and ball guns (in the 70's) were made by Uberti. Beretta recently bought Uberti, and the new Beretta single action "Stampede" is made by Uberti. The cap and ball guns by Uberti are the standard the others are judged by. Strong as a Ruger? No. Strong as a real Colt SAA? probably. Stand up to Cowboy Action Shooting, certainly. Shoot hot 45Colt loads? NO! The Ruger has bigger, stronger cylinders and frames, any load safe in a real Colt SAA is safe in an Italian SAA. I have several Uberti single actions, Schofield, Russian, Cimarron model P, and 1860, 1851 and 1861 Navy percussions, as wel as REmington percussion and Outlaw, all are excellent. Actually, Uberti quality seems to be improving as time goes on, and Cimarron's pick are best. Uberti makes the Cimarron 72 open top and 38-40 73 rifle as exclusives. Short of the finish put on by Beretta (though I haven't handled one yet) Ubertis are as good as Italian guns get .