I have a hi-point c9 that I purchased in May. May 19, 2006 to be exact. I have literally sent thousands of 9mm projectiles through this gun this year. It has had only rare ftf issues and only after a couple hundred rounds that day. It is not the easiest gun to clean if you want to clean it right. I personally disassemble my weapon and clean it thoroughly after every range session. You have to use a pin punch and a hammer to take it apart, but the gun is a very simple weapon to disassemble and put back together. I like it a lot, if nothing else just for the funny looks at the range when people see my big ugly gun shooting great groups!. I vote go for it. Also it comes with a lifetime unconditional warranty, that follows the gun if you sell it. Oh yeah, I carried mine ccw until I got my springfield xd .45acp service pistol, and never got m"made"