i have fallen for the new super calibers the gun writers are selling. i believe the gun and ammo people come up with these to increase sales and profit.
I have to giggle at the notion some folks have that there is something
un-American about making a profit. Free enterprise is what this nation was
founded upon, and without a profit there is no market growth, no increase in jobs, no America. Are the gunmakers supposed to just suck it up, offer the same old tired firearms and cartridges, and accept mediocrity?
Offering new cartridges to increase sales has been going on since metallic cartridges were first developed. Look at a cartridge chart from the 1880s sometime. What a plethora of different cartridges with similar performance in calibers from .25 to .50! Most offered nothing really new over what had come before, often they were almost identical except for the makers name - the .45-70 Sharps
WAS the .45-70 Government with a different bullet. They offered the buyer more choices and increased the sales and profits for the gun makers. Gee, how awful.
Once in awhile a really new cartridge was introduced, that's how we evolve the shooting sports. The popular ones stay, the less popular ones fall by the wayside. It is the same with
ANY consumer product, what
sells matters, not what is
better. (Those who owned them know that BetaMax was better than VHS, but where is BetaMax today?