I have been suprised by the rangefinder. Of all the tools I have bought for hunting, it is by far the most helpful.
I said the same thing, that I didn't need it under 200 yards, until a dusky oportunity, in unknown territory, caused my to drastically overestimate the distance a couple years back, and shoot over a deers back 4 times!
I have owned a couple, the first one was accurate out to about the point it would be needed, but then failed.
The second one was the bushnell elite 1500, and it is great.
I shot a deer this year with confidence, at 431 yards, because I knew exactly what the range was.
It is very interesting to go afield with it, and a few guys, then have them start argueing about ranges.
Pull the elite out, and they are often suprised at how far off they were.
It is deffinately on my keep list!